Communications Committee Minutes 12-14-12
ASCC monthly meeting minutes
December 14th from 11:30 -12:30 pm
Room 4413, Sterling Hall
Committee Members for 2012 – 2013
Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Alice Pulvermacher, Laurie Silverberg, Diane Doering, Laura Gallagher and Jennifer Dykema
Interns for Fall Semester 2012
Hannah Curley and Ashly Baccus
Present: Sonya, Peter, Alice, Laurie, Diane, Laura, Jennifer, Hannah and Ashly
1) Determine the next steps for AS profiles Ashly and Hannah completed
- Ashly and Hannah will send the completed profiles and photos to Peter K so they can get posted on the AS site.
- Ashly & Hannah will also send profiles and photos to Laurie S so she can review and post on the L & S site
2) Report out from Ashly and Hannah regard website evaluation
· Did an evaluation of broken links and created notes for each page
· Overall the website is really overwhelming
· Make sure links work and that the content is relevant
· 2 clicks to get to news page
· Last news from Oct, nothing from Nov
· Have to decide what the purpose is for the website
· Very text/info heavy
· Acronyms need to be spelled out e.g ASPP, how do you know what that is?
· How is the website organized –not alphabetical
· Could be comprehensive site with technical info or could be fun and create a sense of community among academic staff
· In some cases there is no context for the content presented
· Layout scope of the issues through an assessment of the current situation and then put forth recommendations
· Keep in mind sustainability of the site and develop training videos so students could handle this task as hourlies
· Use links to OHR, payroll and benefits rather than creating our own pages
3) Report out from Bob re: stepping in to manage the AS website for the secretary’s office
a. How much time is involved?
b. How is the process completed?
c. What recommendations can we make regarding this?
· Bob has not met with Mary Johannsen yet, so nothing to report at this time
4) Discuss what next steps to take as a communications committee
a. How do we get some traction as a committee?
b. What purpose can the communications committee serve given our current members skills and time?
· Conduct an analysis of the current website to understand who is using it and how – could Bob Ash do this for a starting place
· Ask leadership – what is the purpose of the site? Who is their audience (ASEC and AS Secretary Office) –Peter, Laurie and Alice will ask to be on an agenda for an ASEC Thursday meeting
· Depending on what we learn from the first two activities above write a proposal to develop a functional website that links out to other well developed sites e.g OHRD rather than writing similar material.
· Focus on developing a site where people would go to learn about AS governance
· Perhaps consider developing an events calendar on the website that captures CASI, MASA, brown bags, etc.
· PRIORITY figure out who is going to maintain the site and where the resources are coming from?
Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings.
Upcoming meetings are January 18, February 15, March 15, April 12 and May 17. The January – April meetings will be held in Sterling Hall, rm 4413.