Communications Committee Agenda and Minutes 10-14-11
Academic Staff Communications Committee Meeting
October 14, 2011
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
2065 Mechanical Engineering
1.) Please note the following meetings for the remainder of the semester:
Monthly meeting time – "the Friday following the second Monday of each month" from 11-12 in room 2180 at Mechanical Engineering (Oct 14th, Nov 18th and Dec 16th). All of our meetings are scheduled to follow the Academic Staff Assembly Meetings the 2nd Monday of the month.
2.) Review discussion from 10/10 Academic Staff Assembly Meeting regarding priorities. ASEC will vote on priorities at November 14 Academic Staff Assembly Meeting
3.) Review action items from last month and provide updates
Academic Staff Communications Committee Meeting
October 14, 2011
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
2065 Mechanical Engineering
Agenda + minutes in blue
1.) Announcements/Updates/Introductions
2.) Review discussion from 10/10 ASEC mtg regarding priorities
a. Plans to discuss comments regarding communications at the ASEC mtg 10/20, 2:00-4:30 in Bascom Hall rm 67
b. Comments were made about overuse of acronyms, frequency of e-mails from listserves, and large amounts of information that might be hard to discern. There was consensus in the small group that communications should be more personalized and more clear. Discussion also centered on academic staff identity, the use of logos or pins and other methods/strategies to better define and describe academic staff.
c. ASEC will vote on priorities at November 14th meeting
3.) Review action items from last month and provide updates
a. Mark – will review inside UW Wisconsin weekly to identify what articles are out there about academic staff. He will send them to the team to view and determine what we may want to send to Donna to tag and put up on the AS site. ( We will want to streamline this a bit more and can discuss at our October mtg).
i. Mark found several articles over the past couple of weeks (4 issues) potentially 10 articles to follow up on finding who is academic staff
ii. The challenge is identifying who is UW staff
iii. Can we get access to academic staff list from Donna to check who meets the academic staff criteria
iv. Mark informed me at the end of todays meeting that in fact some of the articles he identified from Inside UW – Madison were already up on the ASEC site – so it looks like someone may already be doing this
b. Team – Find what other communication sources are out there that we may want to review for articles on academic staff as well
i. Inside UW online
ii. OnWisconsin publication
iii. Grow – CALS alumni magazine 3 x’s/year
iv. Education reporter blogs from Cap times and State journal
v. Can scan Cap times/State journal
vi. CALS in the news – Diane will scan weekly
vii. DoIT connection weekly – Bob Ash
viii. So look at articles in future with a lens for noting when academic staff are featured in articles
c. Alice will talk to Donna – about her capacity to load articles on the web and for an analytical counter for the number of times the articles are viewed and/or the number of times academic staff are mentioned in an article to assess promotional value of AS.
i. We can post using the same mechanism we use to post our agendas and minutes
ii. Or if we want an article featured in the center of the website Donna can post this when we forward it to her
iii. Otherwise we will post in news in the upper right corner of the site
d. Let’s add the AS Benefits and Resources to the AS site – Bob has the list at DoIT. Figure out a cool name and how to feature it
e. How can we systematize this process?
i. Keep a list in a wiki
ii. Jennifer will set up a MySpace site for our committee for organization purposes
4.) Discuss ways to carry out tasks. – November agenda
a. Subcommittees?
b. Pairing up, based on interests?
5.) Meeting next month Nov 18th conflict for Greg
a. Alice will send out a Doodle to reschedule for next month
6.) Additional Items?
Committee Members for 2011-2012
Alice Pulvermacher (co-chair), Bob Ash, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Greg Iaccarino (co-chair), Jennifer Dykema, Mark Lilleleht, Peter Kleppin, Sonya Sedivy