Communications Committee Agenda and Minutes 11-15-11

ASCC monthly meeting Nov 15, 2011 

Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg

1. Review Academic staff site description for the communications committee and update

2. Review the ASEC/Assembly priorities document to determine communication tasks for this academic year

a. Determine roles and responsibilities of committee members to accomplish the priorities

3. Confirm upcoming meeting dates, Dec 16th 11-12 in rm 2180, ME bldg

ASCC monthly meeting Nov 15, 2011 
Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg

Minutes are in blue below.

1. Review Academic staff site description for the communications committee and update

Please review the description prior to Dec meeting so we can discuss.

2. Review the ASEC/Assembly priorities document to determine communication tasks for this academic year

a. Determine roles and responsibilities of committee members to accomplish the priorities

There is an English 318 writing internship course that will participate in communication goals 2nd semester. It is led by Mary Ferenza, instructor (AS). Students will begin participating this semester (2 possibly 3 students). Internship requirements: work at least 6 hours/week/student. On our part: Greg will be point on writing up an evaluation for the internship. 
Benefit of student help is that will bring an outside perspective.

Short-term tasks for committee that we can enlist the interns in: 
1. Develop and promote the identity of AS. Priority: Serving as communications hub item #1
a. Create marketing plan
b. Initiating marketing plan
2. Coordination with University Communications for tagging articles etc.
3. Have students provide updates monthly, meet with us individually or other AS as necessary to accomplish #1

Ongoing long-term sustainable tasks for committee:
1. We can find articles for the website but would like the access to confirm if folks are AS to streamline the process
a. Year 1 brainstorm sources for articles
b. Committee members could rotate responsibility for finding articles monthly
c. Two points to follow up on a) can we query who are academic staff when we find articles, b) walk through the process for loading articles (Alice will do)
i. Specifically, how are permissions created?
2. Need a good repository of information e.g. list of the CASI’s and who is the lead for each? To be able to set up wisclist
a. Find out what can we do on the website? What tools and resources are available for CC.

3. Confirm upcoming meeting dates, Dec 16th 11-12 in rm 2180, ME bldg.

Action Items:
Alice will meet with Donna to follow up on access to AS list and document loading process
Greg will follow up with students to attend Dec meeting

Committee Members for 2011 – 2012

Present: Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher
Other members: Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema

CC Agenda and Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff