Communications Committee Agenda 12-16-11
ASCC monthly meeting
Dec 16, 2011 from 11-noon
Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg
Committee Members for 2011 – 2012
Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema
December Agenda:
- Introduction of English 318 students who will work with us second semester
- Discuss priority to develop and promote academic staff
- Determine first steps and develop a timeline for this project
- Review Academic staff site description for the communications committee and discuss what to update
Please review the description prior to Dec meeting so we can discuss.
- Provide update on posting AS articles on the AS website
- Alice has access to query academic staff status
- We need volunteers to find articles weekly to post in the news
- We need volunteers with PC that will load articles on the AS website
- We are targeting starting this in February
- Develop practices that are sustainable
- Spend the first year identifying sources for articles
- February 9, 8:30-10:00 am, Union South (TITU): “Documenting and Communicating the Scholarly Work of Academic Staff” with Deanna Schneider, UW-Extension Cooperative Extension offered by Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network. Is anyone able to attend on behalf of ASCC?
- Confirm upcoming meeting dates, the Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings.January 13, February 17, March 16, April 13 and May 18 from 11-noon.