Communications Committee Minutes 12-16-11


ASCC monthly meeting

December 16, 2011 Minutes


1.      Provide update on posting AS articles on the AS website


a.       Alice has access to query academic staff status

b.      We need volunteers to find articles weekly to post in the news

Sonya will scan Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Diana will scan CALS News

Peter will scan from UW Communications sources 

Alice sent an email out to Donna and Heather to get the list of sources Heather currently reviews for articles

c.       We need volunteers with PC that will load articles on the AS website

Greg and Alice will load articles

d.      We are targeting starting this in February

e.       Develop practices that are sustainable

The review and uploading of articles is an example of this 

f.        Spend the first year identifying sources for articles


2.      Introduction of English 318 students who will work with us second semester

Lindsey Steffes from English 318

Blair Brophy will also be helping.   She is currently a marketing specialist for Visitor and Information Programs (VIP) Additional students might be available to help as well.  One of the interns key projects, in collaboration with ASCC, will be to develop a branding and identity project about the academic staff.    (This project is a larger goal of Academic Staff Governance/ASEC, as well.) 


3.      February 9, 8:30-10:00 am, Union South (TITU): “Documenting and Communicating the Scholarly Work of Academic Staff” with Deanna Schneider, UW-Extension Cooperative Extension offered by Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network. Is anyone able to attend on behalf of ASCC?

4.      Review Academic staff site description for the communications committee and discuss what to update

Please review the description prior to Dec meeting so we can discuss.

Continue to review description in January

5.      Academic Staff Video (currently on Academic Staff Website)

    • This video focuses on how diverse academic staff are...their official groupings?  It looks like they fall into categories of >"research," "teaching," and "service. 
    • That is the video. And that 3 pronged approach was meant to address that diversity -- find commonalities and connections. Best shot taken at the time.

Thanks Jen for pulling up the link to the academic staff video (in the FAQ section of the academic staff website at



6.   Academic Staff Branding, Identity, Promotions Project 

(Key Points/Items to Shape the Project for Spring Semester)

   a.) Items discussed at December 16 ASCC meeting

    • Mark thanks for sending the archived emails from the communications committee discussions/work on this in the past
    • Jen mentioned (and later pulled up) information about the Showcase program offered by the Office of Quality Improvement (OQI).   The Showcase enables units/programs to share and demonstrate their best practices.    This project could possibly be that.     The Showcase is on March 27, 2011.   
    • Logo/Graphic representation is important to build awareness
    • Need to identify the community of academic staff (internal) as well as affiliated communities that academic staff partner with
    • `Need to build the academic staff community
    • Increase social media presence (tied to academic staff website so the academic staff website is more animated/interactive).   Twitter, Facebook, etc. 
    • Develop mechanisms to acknowledge and recognize/celebrate the contributions of academic staff.   (Reviewing news articles and posting them on the academic staff website is an excellent example of a way to implement this.) 

(Post meeting message from Mark): The other issue that lurks behind the discussions today is audience, intended (imagined) audience. That's going to drive much of the approach.)  

b.)  Branding/Identity/Promotions project, as described on Academic Staff Assembly/ASEC Priorities List for 2011-2012 Academic Year.   The Academic Staff Communications Committee is taking the “lead” with this.  



1. Develop and promote the identity of academic staff. This might include:


a. Creating a logo and electronic promotional materials


b. Possible ideas for soliciting these materials include:


Contest to students in visual, communication, marketing fields


Center for Entrepreneurship


WI Alumni Association


c. Coordinate with University Communications


c.)    Archival information/messages pulled from Mark and other committee members from previous work by ASCC on this topic


Academic Staff Annual Planning Meeting Priority  2008-09


Strategic Goal: Articulate the identity of academic staff to internal and external audiences.


Measures of Success (goal level): Academic staff contributions to the campus and the Wisconsin Idea will be clearly understood by all members of the campus community and primary external audiences.



Measure of Success

Expected results

Date of completion

1. Implement a communications plan that reflects our many roles in one unified identity and reflects our role in the Wisconsin Idea.


1a. Establish a collaboration with University Communications to foster a consulting role for as we develop our communications plan,


1b. Develop a succinct statement that draws our unique role in one identity.



1c. Create a one page fact sheet on academic staff for Chancellor, Deans, Directors with the who, what, where of academic staff.


1d. Develop a sidebar that expands the one page fact sheet to accompany news stories on academic staff.


1e. Communications Committee provides a monthly column focusing on academic staff for Wisc. Week.


1f. Review our standard communications to Deans and Directors to make certain they reflect our communications plan.







1a. UniversityCommunications will see their unit as an ex officio member of the AS Communications Committee.


1b. Academic staff members will be able to answer the Chancellor’s question: Who are academic staff?


1c. Clarity meets standard set by UW Data Digest.




1d. Sidebar in used in University media without prompting from Assembly.


1e. Column is provided and expected by Wisconsin Week.



1f. Standard communications include the message contained in the succinct statement and fact sheet.






1a. The Academic Staff communications plan will be aligned with campus priorities.



1b. Academic staff will have a articulated shared identity



1c. The Chancellor, Deans, and Directors show a common understanding of Academic Staff.



1d. All readers of campus publications can define academic staff.


1e. Contributions of Academic Staff are topic of discussion by readers of Wisconsin Week.


1f. A consistent message regarding academic staff is presented to internal and external audiences.






1d. During Fall 2008 semester.





1b. By end of Fall 2008 semester.




1c.Draft needed by first ASEC meeting with new Chancellor.




1d. By end of Spring 2009 semester.




1e. Columns begin in Fall 2009 semester.



1f. By end of Fall 2008 Semester





2. Develop a systematic approach to documenting the contributions of Academic staff to the campus and to the Wisconsin Idea.


2a. Work to develop a catalog of Academic Staff contributions by identifying current collection methods and determining strategies for developing the catalog.


2b. Work with the provost and chancellor to include information on Academic Staff contributions by Schools and Colleges using the Digital Measures database.


2c. Establish liaisons with communications staff of Schools and Colleges to expand the impact of the Academic Staff Communications Committee and to obtain information on academic staff contributions collected by the School or College


2d. Initiate discussion in the Assembly to solicit representatives’ advice on strategies for creating a catalog of academic staff contributions.






2a. Information about Academic Staff contributions will be easily accessible to academic staff, to the campus, and to the public.



2b. Academic staff will be included in Digital Measures databases as part of deployment of this tool.




2c. Communications staff of Schools and Colleges copy ASCC on reports of academic staff contributions in their School or College.





2d. Identification of strategies involving Academic Staff Assembly representatives beyond members of ASEC and standing committee chairs.






2a. Academic staff contributions will be better known and understood by internal and external audiences.




2b. Contributions of academic staff will be included in reports generated by Digital Measures.




2c. Academic staff contributions will be better known and understood by internal and external audiences.






2d. Academic Staff Assembly members are engaged in efforts to identify the strategies.







2a. By Fall 2009.






2b. By end of Fall 2008 semester.






2c. By end of Spring 2009 semester.








2d. During Fall 2008 semester.






CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff