Communications Committee Minutes 2-3-12
Minutes from ASCC monthly meeting
Feb 3, 2012 from 11-noon, Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg
Blue text indicates minutes/action items
Committee Members for 2011 – 2012
Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema
All members were in attendance
February 3 Agenda:
1. Updates and check-in from December 16, 2011 Meeting (Refer to December 16 minutes/notes)
2. Provide update/touch base on posting AS articles on the AS website
a. Alice has access to query academic staff status
b. We need volunteers to find articles weekly to post in the news
Sonya will scan Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Diana will scan CALS News
Peter will scan from UW Communications sources
Heather scans UW Communications. She subscribes to all UW press releases and also scans WSJ and CT.
c. We need volunteers with PC that will load articles on the AS website
i. Sonya and Greg will do this
d. We are targeting starting this in February
e. Develop practices that are sustainable
f. Spend the first year identifying sources for articles
***Alice will do the query to confirm academic staff job titles
***Peter: UW Communications has a clip sheet of UW-Madison specific information, where news can be pulled from. Academic staff members can be verified by Alice.
***Sonya and Greg will rotate the posting of articles, etc. Will be posted into the news feed on the academic staff website.
3. Academic Staff Branding/Identity Update (student interns are starting (Greg)
**Student interns (Ally Spaight, Blair Brophy, Lindsey Steffes, and Pati Mo) are meeting weekly at College Library. Greg is representing the Communications Committee at these meetings. These are working meetings that have so far involved setting goals and forming objectives to carry out the project for the semester.
**Bob R. noted the role of academic staff researchers in the research laboratories and their roles with students (mentoring/supervision, etc.).
**Committee members agreed that it is important to have a “tangible product” come out of this semester’s work and efforts. Just doing another memo or policy proposal is not enough. Such a memo would need to be backed up by the concrete product, which can add to sustainability efforts and a better case to include these items in the daily operation of academic staff governance.
**The committee agreed that that the Showcase would be a good venue to share the best practices and process of the branding/identity project, and the way that student interns have been involved this semester. The Showcase is on March 27, 2012. More details, including orientation workshops and registration procedures, are at: Jen will outreach to the Office of Quality Improvement (OQI) to ask if the branding/identity project might be relevant/appropriate for a poster presentation.
**The committee is asking for the students to develop the draft text for the poster for its review.
**Peter mentioned that University Communications has a template for academic staff profiles. The interns can consult with Peter for more information about this.
In this template format, academic staff members submit their profiles, which are then edited by University Communications.
***In sum, the committee is asking that the interns focus on developing an academic staff logo, doing profiles, and developing a poster for the Showcase. These are the main objectives and priorities for the semester. Other projects may arise for review by the committee.
4. February 9, 8:30-10:00 am, Union South (TITU): “Documenting and Communicating the Scholarly Work of Academic Staff” with Deanna Schneider, UW-Extension Cooperative Extension offered by Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network. Is anyone able to attend on behalf of ASCC?
Alice will be going.
5. Review Academic staff site description for the communications committee and discuss what to update
NOTE from GREG: The interns have been reviewing the website as well, and have some suggestions/feedback that Greg will share.
***Did not discuss.***
6. Any additional agenda items?
Upcoming meeting dates, the Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings. February 17, March 16, April 13 and May 18 from 11-noon.
All meetings are in Room 2180 Mechanical Engineering, except for the April 13 meeting, which will be in Room 2188 Mechanical Engineering.