Communications Committee Minutes 2-17-12
Agenda ASCC monthly meeting
Feb 17, 2012 from 11-noon, Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg
Committee Members for 2011 – 2012
Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema
Intern Members for Spring Semester 2012
Lindsey Steffes, Blair Brophy, Ally Spaight, and Patricia (Pati) Mo
February 17 Agenda:
Minutes in Blue below
Present: Bob R, Diane, D, Jen D, Blair B, Lindsey S, Greg I, Alice P, Bob A, Sonya S and Mark L
Review priorities to promote and improve awareness of academic staff roles on campus:
1) Update on SHOWCASE
We were able to view first drafts of a poster for SHOWCASE that the Interns had already created. Discussion and feedback were provided.
Interns would like to include photos on the poster, so trying to find a source of photos: contact Donna Silver, University Communications-digital photo archives.
SHOWCASE emphasis is to show a process or how a problem is addressed
The group discussed Word Cloud - shared ideas and sources
March 8th is the deadline for submitting a draft of the poster to SHOWCASE
NEXT STEPS: Blair will send out an electronic draft of the poster to the committee members for more feedback. The Interns can accept and incorporate feedback at their discretion. If time allows the Interns will circulate a second draft for feedback to the committee or it can be discussed at our March 16th meeting.
Presentation date for SHOWCASE is March 27th.
2) Review branding project - status update and determine next steps
Interns identified target markets to begin branding project for – Academic staff, students, Faculty (or UW community)
A 4th target market was suggested to include the “community” of Wisconsin
The group decided it was important to keep this to a manageable number of target markets – pick 2 for this semester for instance
The Interns can create a list for future Interns to work on
NEXT STEPS: The Interns will pick which two target markets they will work on this semester in order to develop something tangible as well as they will have a phase 2 outline written up for future Interns.
3) Discuss plans to create monthly articles on academic staff that can be featured on Inside UW-Madison
a. Discuss students creating the framework for this spring semester 2012
b. Consider steps to take to sustain the monthly articles
c. What else?
Tabled for next month’s meeting.
Other items:
1) Greg or student interns provide overall update
a. Discuss what if any steps can be taken to improve the current process
Greg passed out minutes from the interns weekly meetings for the committees reference
b. ASEC to meet with Interns - 3/1, 3:45-4:30 or 3/22, 3-4:30 for ½ hour and again 5/3, 2:15-4:30 or 5/10, 3-4:30.
March 1st 4 – 4:30 and May 3rd 4 – 4:30 Lindsey and Blair will attend the ASEC meeting to discuss progress and seek feedback
2) Is it possible for UW Communications to tag academic staff?
3) Alice provide update on "Documenting and Communicating Scholarly Work of Academic Staff" presentation
a. You may join (or leave) by emailing directly to the two WiscList addresses below.
This is the old twitter group. Folks are there to help others start a social media group. Also the group includes a general chatter around best practices. They have monthly open house hours to meet with social media support specialists
4) Any additional agenda items?
Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings. March 16, April 13 and May 18 from 11-noon.
All meetings are in Room 2180 Mechanical Engineering, except for the April 13 meeting, which will be in Room 2188 Mechanical Engineering.