Communications Committee Agenda 3-16-12

Agenda ASCC monthly meeting

March 16, 2012 from 11-noon

Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg

Committee Members for 2011 – 2012

Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema

Interns for Spring Semester 2012

Blair Brophy, Lindsey Steffes, and Ally Spaight




Review priorities to promote and improve awareness of academic staff roles on campus (Branding project):

         1)         Review final draft of SHOWCASE poster

a.      March 27, 8-11 am in the Great Hall at Memorial Union


         2)         Update on staff interviews

a.      Questions are finalized

b.      Interviews scheduled to begin

c.      First interview candidates include

d.      What steps need to be taken to sustain this activity?


         3)                Discuss search for academic staff articles to post on the AS website

a.      How’s this going?

b.      How can we improve upon this?


         4)                Development of an Academic Staff logo

a.      Can we work on this yet this semester with SHOWCASE finishing up this month?


         5)                How to recruit interns for 2012 – 2013?

a.      Who can be point on this?


         6)                PLEASE note room change for April meeting to room 2188


Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings. April 13 and May 18 from 11-noon.  


All meetings are in Room 2180 Mechanical Engineering, except for the April 13 meeting, which will be in Room 2188 Mechanical Engineering. 

CC Agenda  
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff