Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 2-11-14

PDRC Minutes 2/11/14
PDRC Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2014
10:00-11:00 a.m.      Union South

Attendance:  Bob Agasie, Jeff Armstrong, Danielle Benden, Jay Ford, Elisabeth Foster, Amy Hawley, Stephanie Kutz, Alison Rice, Curtis Ryals.

The chair determined a quorum was present and called the meeting to order at 10:05AM

1. Announcements
–  Curtis announced Bob is stepping down from the committee at the end of his term in June.
2. Automatic Consent Business
    – Minutes for January 2014 approved without dissent.

3. Standing Subcommittees reports

o    PD grants – Danielle and Amy
-    Amy reported changes to the on-line system continue to progress.  She also reported that deans and directors have requested that the on-line system work flow will continue to require the supervisor’s electronic approval prior to submitting for electronic approval by the dean or director.  The Secretary of the Academic Staff has agreed to monitor applications for completeness and appropriate approval routing.

o    Awards – Elisabeth and Jeff
-    Elisabeth requested approval to extend the deadline to notify the Secretary of the Academic Staff of award winners.  The committee agreed to extend the deadline to March 3, 2014.
-    Jeff inquired how to address potential conflicts of interest.  It was moved by Danielle and 2nd by Elisabeth to follow the draft Conflict of Interest Policy, as prepared by Ralph, with the following additions, for the 2014 award reviews:
    A subcommittees could deliberate such issues
    If a subcommittee could not come to a consensus than the deliberation must be made by the full PDRC
    The PDRC will prepare a monthly report documenting any disclosures and recusals.  This report will identify committee members in attendance of such deliberations.
    Subcommittees would be required to forward similar reports to the PDRC.
Motion carried.

o    Executive Education Grants – Ralph and Jay
-    Ralph submitted an email status update for information only in absentia.  The call will be put out next month.

4.  Committee business

o    Conflict of interest policy
-    The committee discussed the conflict of interest policy during the Awards standing subcommittee report.  Curtis agreed to contact Ralph to impellent the additions described above in his draft.  Elisabeth suggested the committee apply the policy during the 2014 Awards review process to work out the details before permanently integrating them into the policy and procedures manual. The committee agreed.

o    Elections
-    Curtis opened the floor for nominations to fill the role of Co-Chair as a result of Bob’s impending departure.  The item was tabled for lack of nominees.

5.  ASEC updates – None

6.  Other business
o    Data
-    Curtis requested anyone with additional PD grant data in the date range of pre 2005 and post 2009 to please forward to him for compilation.

8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.m.

KeywordsPDRC minutes   Doc ID38264
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-03-10 08:12:16Updated2020-07-13 16:10:27
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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