L&S Sabbatical Travel
L&S recognizes that sabbatical leave is an important time for faculty development and research. Faculty on sabbatical may be paid for certain non-salary related expenses. The sabbatical leave request/approval documentation must outline all non-salary related expenses and how they will be funded.
Campus is working on a policy for non-salary related expenses while on sabbatical. Until that policy is released, if you wish to be reimbursed for any non-salary related expenses while on sabbatical, please contact Michele Gundrum to help guide you in order to properly include expenses on the sabbatical application.
OHR Faculty Sabbatical Leave Program
As a general rule, the University does not allow for reimbursement of living expenses such as lodging and meals while on sabbatical. However, some research awards may allow for reimbursing some or all of these expenses if they are awarded for that purpose.
If a faculty member has an existing grant/award that would allow travel/living expenses, we'll seek RSP's approval to make sure we are in compliance with the granting agency (again, prior to incurring these expenses).
In general, existing University Professorships/Discretionary funds cannot be used for leave/sabbatical living expenses since the majority of these professorships are from gift funds and the award letter normally states that the funds are available for unrestricted use of the faculty member as long as the expense is within University policies and procedures.
Please contact Business Services Director Michele Gundrum to walk through current allowability.