Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-20-14
Approved 3-27-14
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Denny Hackel; Heather McFadden, Chair; Jim Maynard; Kevin Niemi, Vice Chair; Robert Newsom; Jeff Shokler; Erin Silva
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, Paul DeLuca, Steve Lund, Margy May, Angie Rosas, Linda Scholl, Patrick Sheehan, Anjali Sridharan, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of March 6, 2014 were approved as distributed.
The amended minutes of Feburary 6, 2014 were approved as distributed.
Guest: Paul DeLuca, Provost
Provost DeLuca stated that the new Dean of Pharmacy will be announced Friday, March 21 or Monday, March 24. The Dean of International Studies finalists will be announced very soon. John Biondi has begun as the director of D2P. They have already received 67 Igniter grants. The Vice Provost searches have begun as well.
Provost DeLuca reported that he will be coming to ASEC to talk about the Academic Staff Appeals process in regards to HIPPA and academic staff who are part of the practice plan. Ray Taffora is working on a plan to present to ASEC.
• Chair Heather McFadden reported that the Diversity Plan Framework has been distributed. The changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) in regards to bullying will likely not be passed through the Faculty Senate before the end of the academic year.
• Secretary Heather Daniels gave a report on the status of the search for Mary Johansen’s replacement. The plan is to hold second interviews during the week of April 14. Those interviews will include a session for ASEC and other standing committee chairs.
Liaison Reports:
Kevin Niemi talked about a conference on governance that UW Green Bay is hosting in mid-April. Jeff Shokler will contact them about being able to Skype in for part of it.
Guest: Steve Lund, Margy May, Angie Rosas, Patrick Sheehan, Anjali Sridharan, and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources
Margy May explained how the job security process works. The data pull does not include limited appointments or CHS faculty. Schools/colleges/divisions return their exercise usually in early summer, and Margy reviews them. In 2011, the academic staff with three-year rolling horizons were removed from the regular review. These people were put in a separate list with instructions to consider them for an indefinite appointment. Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) would like to collect departmental policies on job security. Steve Lund will check into whether this could be done during this year’s exercise.
The annual job security flier will be sent out to all academic staff next week.
A revised policy on performance management was distributed. Steve reviewed the changes that were made after the discussion at the last meeting.
Steve briefly discussed the idea from the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) of a post promotion review. He proposed talking to Darrell Bazzell about it as well as the Dean’s Council that is led by Provost DeLuca.
Jenny Dahlberg asked Steve to keep CEBC informed on when the CCF data would be available for evaluation.
Assembly Standing Committee Reports:
Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC is making the final changes to the title/promotion survey. The Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff will distribute it during the second week in April.
• Motion to not accept the draft of the policy for Performance Management as written until the original wording from the Assembly document is put back in. Seconded.
Amended motion: to recommend that the change be taken to the Academic Staff Assembly for a vote at the April Assembly meeting. Seconded. Approved.
• Possible questions for the Provost candidates should be sent to Marwa and Jeff.
• ASEC reviewed the charge for the Ad Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding written by Robert and also revisions by Kevin. There was a motion to accept the revised charged. Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC reviewed and discussed the April Assembly agenda.
• Motion to request the University Committee to create a multi-year approval for academic staff multiple role exceptions. ASEC further asks this is documented as a new policy by sending a letter to chairs and deans indicating what the new process is for granting multi-year approval for academic staff wishing to serve in multiple roles. Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC discussed topics for the Chancellor’s visit at ASEC next week.
• Next ASEC Meeting, March 27, 2014
Motion to nominate Donna Cole for the Selection Committee for the Administrative Improvement Awards (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Motion to nominate Heather Daniels for the Secretary of the Classified Staff Search and Screen Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Reconvened in open session. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, 2014
67 Bascom Hall
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, 2014
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Denny Hackel; Heather McFadden, Chair; Jim Maynard; Kevin Niemi, Vice Chair; Robert Newsom; Jeff Shokler; Erin Silva
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, Paul DeLuca, Steve Lund, Margy May, Angie Rosas, Linda Scholl, Patrick Sheehan, Anjali Sridharan, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of March 6, 2014 were approved as distributed.
The amended minutes of Feburary 6, 2014 were approved as distributed.
Guest: Paul DeLuca, Provost
Provost DeLuca stated that the new Dean of Pharmacy will be announced Friday, March 21 or Monday, March 24. The Dean of International Studies finalists will be announced very soon. John Biondi has begun as the director of D2P. They have already received 67 Igniter grants. The Vice Provost searches have begun as well.
Provost DeLuca reported that he will be coming to ASEC to talk about the Academic Staff Appeals process in regards to HIPPA and academic staff who are part of the practice plan. Ray Taffora is working on a plan to present to ASEC.
• Chair Heather McFadden reported that the Diversity Plan Framework has been distributed. The changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) in regards to bullying will likely not be passed through the Faculty Senate before the end of the academic year.
• Secretary Heather Daniels gave a report on the status of the search for Mary Johansen’s replacement. The plan is to hold second interviews during the week of April 14. Those interviews will include a session for ASEC and other standing committee chairs.
Liaison Reports:
Kevin Niemi talked about a conference on governance that UW Green Bay is hosting in mid-April. Jeff Shokler will contact them about being able to Skype in for part of it.
Guest: Steve Lund, Margy May, Angie Rosas, Patrick Sheehan, Anjali Sridharan, and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources
Margy May explained how the job security process works. The data pull does not include limited appointments or CHS faculty. Schools/colleges/divisions return their exercise usually in early summer, and Margy reviews them. In 2011, the academic staff with three-year rolling horizons were removed from the regular review. These people were put in a separate list with instructions to consider them for an indefinite appointment. Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) would like to collect departmental policies on job security. Steve Lund will check into whether this could be done during this year’s exercise.
The annual job security flier will be sent out to all academic staff next week.
A revised policy on performance management was distributed. Steve reviewed the changes that were made after the discussion at the last meeting.
Steve briefly discussed the idea from the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) of a post promotion review. He proposed talking to Darrell Bazzell about it as well as the Dean’s Council that is led by Provost DeLuca.
Jenny Dahlberg asked Steve to keep CEBC informed on when the CCF data would be available for evaluation.
Assembly Standing Committee Reports:
Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC is making the final changes to the title/promotion survey. The Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff will distribute it during the second week in April.
• Motion to not accept the draft of the policy for Performance Management as written until the original wording from the Assembly document is put back in. Seconded.
Amended motion: to recommend that the change be taken to the Academic Staff Assembly for a vote at the April Assembly meeting. Seconded. Approved.
• Possible questions for the Provost candidates should be sent to Marwa and Jeff.
• ASEC reviewed the charge for the Ad Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding written by Robert and also revisions by Kevin. There was a motion to accept the revised charged. Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC reviewed and discussed the April Assembly agenda.
• Motion to request the University Committee to create a multi-year approval for academic staff multiple role exceptions. ASEC further asks this is documented as a new policy by sending a letter to chairs and deans indicating what the new process is for granting multi-year approval for academic staff wishing to serve in multiple roles. Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC discussed topics for the Chancellor’s visit at ASEC next week.
• Next ASEC Meeting, March 27, 2014
-April Assembly AgendaConvene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations for the Selection Committee for the Administrative Improvement Awards and the Secretary of the Classified Staff Search and Screen Committee. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
-Shared Governance Committee Reports
-Guests: Rebecca Blank, Debbie Weber
Motion to nominate Donna Cole for the Selection Committee for the Administrative Improvement Awards (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Motion to nominate Heather Daniels for the Secretary of the Classified Staff Search and Screen Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Reconvened in open session. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff