Communications Committee Minutes 4-20-12

Minutes are in BLUE, below

Agenda ASCC monthly meeting

April 20, 2012 from 11-noon

Room 2180, Mechanical Engineering bldg. – Note this is our usual meeting room


Committee Members for 2011 – 2012

Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Greg Iaccarino, Alice Pulvermacher, Bob Rettammel, Diane Doering, Jennifer Dykema


Interns for Spring Semester 2012

Blair Brophy, Lindsey Steffes, and Ally Spaight




Review priorities to promote and improve awareness of academic staff roles on campus (Branding project):

1)   Report out on the SHOWCASE poster presentation


Well-attended event. Other universities were interested in the poster. AS members interested in getting involved in a committee and such. Classified staff also interested in finding a way to generate a similar poster.


Mat Gunshor from Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences (AOSS) requested that we present this poster at the upcoming AOSS community Poster Reception, Monday, May 14. Lindsey and Greg could possibly attend part of it.

2)         Update on staff interviews

a.      Next steps to get profiles published

b.      What steps need to be taken to sustain this activity?


Completed 4 interviews and Lindsey wrote drafts for articles. However, UW Communications are not comfortable publishing the academic staff “profiles” right now on Inside –UW for instance given the HR redesign. They may be ready for the articles in the fall and we could update the articles to be published then. In the meantime consensus was we should finalize the articles and publish them on the AS website.


Sustainability ideas – Lindsey knows a student who would be interested in doing a summer internship. Student commitment 6-10 hours/week has to involve writing. Teacher pretty hands-off. Our role 3-4 paragraph summary for 1 credit class. Jen suggests carry it forward. Greg can work on an intern sort of handoff to Alice. Touch base with Donna’s team about archiving. Peter is still willing to take head shots of the staff profiled.

3)    Time to identify a new committee co-chair with Greg’s term ending

Commitment of the Chair:

·                Monthly ASEC meetings 3rd Monday of the month 3:30-5pm. Need to have one rep present at the meeting.

·                Executive meetings every week on Thursday 2- 4:30. Not required but could be asked to attend or could request to attend.

·                Peter is interested. Anyone else?

4)    Given the HR redesign, how far can we go downstream with branding this year?


Consensus is that we will hold off on developing a logo or any print materials at this time until the HR redesign has a clearer direction.

               5)    How to recruit interns for 2012 – 2013?

a.      Who can be point on this?


Alice will follow up with Greg to get a handoff of this role for the committee


 6)      Pick a date and time for a Terrace Outing to thank our outgoing committee members – June ??

Alice will send out a Doodle for this.



Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings. May 18 from 11-noon.  


All meetings are in Room 2180 Mechanical Engineering. 



Action Items from today’s meeting:

·        Alice will send out a Doodle for the thank you gathering to our outgoing members

·        Alice will follow up with Greg to get a handoff on managing interns for our committee

·        Greg will contact Ashley who is interested in interning with us this summer to see if she may want to do this into the fall too

·        Lindsey will circulate the 4 profile articles she has written for feedback from the committee members

·        Alice will check in with Donna’s office to find out about publishing and archiving the articles we are generating on AS

·        Greg will follow up with Mat Gunshor from AOSS about the poster session and Lindsey and or Greg will attend this on May 14th

CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff