Communications Committee Minutes 7-2-10

Academic Staff Communications Committee

Lunch Meeting July 2,2010

1. R. Bruce Orchard, a former committee member, passed away last week:

2. We welcomed Sonya Sedivy (from Testing and Evaluation Services, School of Education) as our newest committee member. Sonya has a Ph.D in testing research, which already came in handy when she reviewed our most recent member survey.

3. We discussed possible changes and clarifications to the AS survey, completed a few months ago. Sonya suggested editing out a few comments which really didn't answer the questions as stated ("Misc" section). She also suggested pursuing some of the less clear results in the next survey. We will draft an executive summary of the survey results for Donna and Heather this summer.

4. We will have a 9th committee member as well, Alice Pulvermacher (from CHESS Program, College of Engineering) , per the Nominating Committee and ASEC, until 2011 (to complete Bruce's term).

5. We set a tentative date of August 6, 9:30-11 for a 2010-2011 Planning Meeting, to discuss our goals, update/redo the Communications Plan, and set the stage for the coming year.

ASEC retreat with Standing Committee Chairs is on Wednesday, August 11th, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

6. Greg will send a Doodle poll to determine which day/time we can all meet regularly during the academic year.

7. Bob Rettammel agreed to be the Committee Co-Chair with Greg. They will let Donna Silver (Secretary of Academic Staff) know by July 30 in order for committee rosters to be accurate.

CC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff