Campus Active Directory - How to Identify Workstation Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
Computers attached to the Campus Active Directory can be identified by their fully qualified domain name or FQDN . A computer's fully qualified domain name is in the form, [computer name].[domain]. This document will help you identify your computer's FQDN.
Windows 7
- Begin in the Start menu
- Right-click Computer
- Click Properties
- The fully qualified domain name appears next to Full computer name

Windows 8/8.1
- Begin in the home screen
- Type Computer
- Right-click Computer from the search results
- Click Properties on the bottom of the screen
- The fully qualified domain name appears next to Full computer name

Windows 10
- Begin on the desktop.
- Type Control Panel in the "Search Windows" box in the taskbar.
- Click on System and Security.
- Click on System.
- The fully qualified domain name applers next to Full Computer Name.

Mac OS
The fully qualified computer name can be determined by combining the Computer Account with the Active Directory Domain from the procedure below.
- Open a terminal prompt
- Enter
dsconfigad -show
- If you are connected to a domain, you will see a printout containing Computer Account and Active Directory Domain
- If you are not connected to a domain, nothing will display and your machine does not have a fully qualified domain name

- Start on the desktop.
- Open a Terminal.
- Type hostname -A (The "A" must be captialized).
- The Fully Qualified Domain Name will be given.

Note: The screenshots are from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, OS X 10.10.5, and Ubuntu 15.10. Any OS X version will be similar to this one, and any Linux version will be similar to this version.