Communications Committee Minutes 11-12-10
Academic Staff Communications Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2010
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
302 Teacher Education Building
Present: Bob R., Bob A., Mark L., Sonya, Brian R.
Absent: Dick G., Renee M., Alice P., Greg I.
Guest: Nancy Wiegand, scientist in CALS
1. Introductions. Minutes approved from September 10, 2010 meeting. (October 8, 2010 meeting was canceled.
2. Nancy Wiegand proposed a survey be done of Academic Staff Ph.D's to help them discover each other, what they are doing, and what issues they would like ASEC to address on their behalf. In particular, she is interested in learning from/working with Ph.D's that are under any particular constraints, or wanting to collaborate on projects. A significant discussion ensued, largely around whether or not the ASCC is the best group to facilitate.
3. Continue any discussions that are listed in the September 10 minutes. What's next for us? Web v.2 seems to be in process with Donna and Heather.
We talked about the academic staff survey and strategies to do any additional surveys to tailored parts of the academic staff (by job function/position title, percentage appointment, etc.).
4. We talked at length about whether or not the ASCC has an advisory role to Donna and ASEC regarding topics, approaches and methods of communications. For example, do we recommend ways in which AS should address union issues? Or what collection of issues should be addressed (ex: potential further furloughs and AS options, potential retirement and benefits cuts)? If all we are to do is suggest or make changes to the web, emails and surveys, we need to know that.
5. Next Meeting: Friday, December 10, 2010, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 302 Teacher Education