Communications Committee Minutes 5-13-11

Academic Staff Communications Committee

Meeting minutes

May 13, 2011

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

302 Teacher Education Building

Attendance: Alice, Sonya, Mark, Dick (until 11:55), Brian (until 11:55), Bob R., and Greg

Review of Overall Communications Efforts of Academic Staff Issues in 2010-2011

1.) There was general consensus that there has been excellent communication from academic staff governance leadership to the academic staff as a whole, in regards to the key issues that impacted the academic staff during the Spring Semester of 2011.

Role and Purpose of the Communications Committee

1.) Committee members discussed the role and purpose of the Communications Committee in the present. What focus should the Communications Committee proactively take? What does ASEC perceive the Communications Committee to do or be? What is the strategic plan of the Communications Committee?

2.) There are notable accomplishments of the Communications Committee (see previous sets of minutes for them), which has included the academic staff website, academic staff video, surveying Assembly Representatives on academic staff issues, and other key accomplishments.

3.) It was recommended that the committee meet later this summer with the ASEC Chair and Secretary of the Academic Staff to seek any kind of clarity about roles and processes in looking ahead to the upcoming academic year, and to help set goals.

Note from Greg: The most current Communications Plan of the Committee is below.

A good suggestion would be to review this plan and make changes and turn it into a new plan that is implemented in a strategic fashion.

4.) It was noted that there are ad hoc committees appointed by ASEC to carry certain functions and tasks. Some topics might be similar to Communications (such as the Ad Hoc Orientation Committee), so it was recommended that there be regular and transparent communication (and collaboration) among committees so that possible duplication of work is minimized.

Academic Staff Branding Proposal

1.) Alice and Greg met with ASEC on May 5th for its input and advice, following up on earlier discussion about it (with Sonya as well) at the last ASCC meeting on Friday, March 11th. There was consensus to continue moving forward with this project, so that there is a strategic communications message tied to identity and branding of academic staff. Possibly consult with professional Advertising and PR agencies to help with this effort. Knupp & Watson & Walman (KW2) in Madison has the Goodstock event in which the agency creates a branding/communications plan for non-profit organizations. More details are at:



Co-Chairs for 2011-2012

1.) Bob R. said that he is not interested in being co-chair for 2011-2012. Greg has been co-chair (for the last 2 years) and is open to have someone else have the opportunity to co-chair. Start thinking about your interest in being a chair or co-chair!


June Lunch

1.) Plan celebration lunch in June to thank Renee, Brian and Dick for their excellent service on the committee, and also to celebrate the end of the semester and summer. Look for a Doodle of some proposed dates.

CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff