Communications Committee Agenda 5-13-11

Academic Staff Communications Committee


May 13, 2011

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

302 Teacher Education Building (conference room just outside the main entrance to the MERIT Library at the top of the stairs)




1.) Update how the semester went in regards to the various issues (UW, academic staff, state budget issues, etc.). We identified issues back in January, before everything happened this semester. What is the "pulse" now? How has communications been in regards to these issues? What role should our committee take as we look ahead to the future?


2.) Update on Academic Staff Branding Proposal. Alice and Greg met with ASEC on May 5th for its input and advice, following up on earlier discussion about it (with Sonya as well) at the last ASCC meeting on Friday, March 11th. The proposal is attached.


3.) Plan celebration lunch to thank Renee, Brian and Dick for their excellent service on the committee, and also to celebrate the end of the semester and summer. Week of May 23 to 27?


4.) Additional announcements or agenda items.


5.) Co-Chair of 2011-2012 (for Greg). Start thinking if you are interested!


Attached document.

CC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff