Communications Committee Minutes 3-5-10

ASCC meeting 3.5.10

Attendees: Mary Possin, Dick Geier, Renee Meiller, Greg Iaccarino, Bob Ash, Brian Rust (minutes).

Guests: Heather Daniels, Donna Silver

Absent: Bob Rettammel, Mark Lilleleht

1. February minutes approved.

2. Heather and Donna asked that several web site changes be made:

a. Enable a place for AS docs to be uploaded. A server or something. Prefer not My WebSpace. Google Docs is possible, but not until after a new license is signed. Heather asked where the space is that Colleen used to upload content to. Brian will check with web hosting.

b. Want old web site to be archived on a CD and given to Donna.

c. Bad links need to be fixed. There is more than one FAQ visible, when in fact there should be only one. Can the ASCC help edit the site? A lot of the old site is still up and (sometimes inappropriately) linked from new navigation. Brian mentioned that his web team is too busy to do a lot of editing, but some of the ASCC could help (Bob Ash). Heather said we can check with her first on any editing that we suggest (ex: "we think this isn't the right link, is it?"). Brian will check with his web team to see if he can hire help to do edits and get back to Heather and Donna.

Need a place in the new web for documents from new or old. Vision Shared, History, Assembly docs all need to be updated and moved to the new site.

d. Would like to archive committee minutes, index and make them more accessible at the top of the committees pages. Donna and Heather will outline their needs, in rank order and share it with Brian. Bob and Brian will talk about how DoIT might help.

e. What happened to the search link on the home page/nav? It was in an early version of the web but has since disappeared.

f. Want to add a staff list with contact info. Maybe "Contact Us" which links to a page that lists Donna, Mary, Heather and others.

3. Survey

In Q3: dd a point about fac/AS merit raises being coupled.

In Q4: add other options for hearing about AS decisions. Ex: specific newsletter/email/etc. Ask, "of these, which is your primary method?"

Fix first sentence to active voice, and less commanding.

Add note about how long it will take to complete the survey (5 min.)

4. Renee and Mary both said they will need to step down from ASCC due to conflicts with their jobs.

5. Meeting adjourned at 10:55.

Upcoming ASSC Meetings, Spring Semester 2010

April 9, May 7; 9:30 am to 11:00 am in 302 Teacher Education for all meetings

CC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff