Communications Committee Minutes 8-7-09

Minutes from 8/7/09 ASCC meeting 

9:30 to 11:00 a.m. 
302 Teacher Education 
Present: Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Renee Meiller, Greg Iaccarino, Bob Rettammel. 
Absent: Mary Posin, Dick Geier.

1. Renee and Greg met with Heather Daniels and Donna Silver yesterday. Largely talked about using technology; adding RSS feeds, and a blog to facilitate communication between assembly reps and their constituents. Brian will check on cost of adding RSS. 
¿ They asked how we could facilitate posting more articles about AS (from UW Comm articles or our own). 
¿ Heather is interested in doing an audio or video on ASEC meeting results. 
¿ When we give reports to ASA, we should include things we are thinking about and not just things we have done. 
¿ Mark will draft email from Greg/Renee to AS Reps to encourage more engagement. We can't force anyone to engage, but we can facilitate better.

2. We need to turn in an annual report to ASEC in late Sept. Brian will draft. Topics: new web, plan, future plans.

3. ASEC and ASA meeting attendance schedule and reports

4. Jo Ann Carr polled Cte. Chairs to see when they could make it to web training sessions. Brian hasn't had time to follow up. ASEC may help, starting with an overview in the retreat planning session.

5. Mark strongly suggested ASEC push reps to keep their constituents informed. Ex: he never heard about the launch of the AS web from his rep. We should open a direct channel from ASEC to all members.

6. Next meeting TBD based on a survey of availability. We want to meet right after the ASEC planning session to address our plan.

- Begin reviewing overall communications plan and developing regular action items—based on ASCC members' interests and strengths—that carry out the plan. For example, one action item might be "E-mail standing committee chairs monthly to remind them to update their section of the website." (NOTE: For ASCC members who cannot attend Aug. 7, feel free to review the plan, attached, on your own and E-mail your ideas to the group.)

CC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff