Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Agenda 1-30-13
Agenda for CEBC Meeting on Wednesday, January 30, 2013
9:00-10:30 AM, Room 1418 Van Hise Hall
- Call to order
- Approval of Minutes of Dec. 19th meeting
- Note taker for today’s meeting
- Reports from various meetings: ASA, ASEC, others
- Old Business
- Minutes from previous meetings
- New Business
- Final draft for CEBC Policies & Procedures
- Promotion report from APO that came a few weeks ago....what it means.
- Resigning members
- Next Meeting
- Adjournment
CEBC 2012-2013 membership
Jenny Dahlberg, co-chair
Maya Holtzman
Jason Jankoski
Mats Johansson
Kate Kowalski
Michele Mickelson
Karen Tusack, co-chair
Alec Widerski
Denise Zang