Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 11-16-11

CEBC minutes, Nov. 16th, 2011


Present: Lea Aschenase, Ana Araujo, Eliza Waters, Beth Ann Workmaster, Karen Tusack, Michelle Mickelson, Robert Purvis


1.      Party for Dec.14th  meeting: at Ana's, possibly at 6pm.  Check your calendars.

2.      Approved September minutes.  October minutes will be revised for corrections

3.      Alec cannot be here so his report on Distinguished Prefix will have to wait until another meeting

4.      Lea: Report on Budget Impact on Academic Staff committee:

1.      They are working on a survey

2.      There will be interviews of survey participants by phone

3.      They are trying to determine when it makes the most sense to do the survey.  Health care effects won't really be felt until after January. Plus, effects from the most recent lapse won't be felt until later.

4.      Ana suggested that recent retirees should be included.  Lea will suggest that to the committee.

5.      Dennis emailed to us the report from the Badger working group.  Alec will be going to that meeting on Friday the 19th.

6.      Beth discussed Heather Daniels and Steve Lund's presentation.  The presentation was recorded (see Dennis' email for info).

7.      Layoffs/non-renewals:

1.      Eliza suggested what we needed what much like a check list: “you've been laid off, here's what you need to do...” and add links.  It should be like a to-do list instead of us tying to rewrite the information that is already available.

2.      We should cover both lay offs and non-renewals

3.      We should clarify the roles that the Ombud's office and Employee Assistance.

4.      We can include numbers of successful appeals and how many had lawyers

5.      We should include the suggestion to get written recommendations right away

6.      Michelle suggested we might want to put in language such as “you may choose to seek legal representation”, but to note how few appeals are successful and to emphasize that it might be best to use your resources to look forward and find a new job instead.

7.      Brainstorming session followed with these suggestions for the document itself:

1.      update your resume

2.      check benefits and what's coming to you as far as vacation and sick leave

3.      check your layoff/non-renewal letter for the things it should mention

4.      direct employees affected to online job listings, heath insurance answers, etc.

8.      The following broad categories for the document were suggested:

1.      Know Your Rights

2.      Get Help

3.      Plan Your Future

9.      Lea suggested that it would be good if our info can be sent as the same time as the layoff letter. There followed a discussion on how to best promulgate the information. Eliza suggested we should ask Heather how to get the word out.

10.  Robert suggested  we look into retraining benefits.

11.  Karen suggested we have a subcommittee to come up with a draft document by the next meeting. Karen, Ana, and Beth Ann will be on the subcommittee.

12.  Meeting adjourned. 

Submitted by Karen Tusack, 12/08/2011

CEBC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff