Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 4-20-12

CEBC Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2012

Date:April 20, 2012
Time: 1:30 PM


Jenny Dahlberg

Jason Jankoski

Kate Kowalski

Michele Mickelson

Karen Tusack (Co-Chair)


Business Items:

Approval of Minutes of March Meeting:  Delayed until next meeting.

Website editor - call for volunteers: Jason volunteered to take on CEBC website editor role.

Layoff Communications Project Update:  An ASEC meeting to address this issue is scheduled for 5/3/12 at 2:45pm.  Karen will clarify the meeting purpose and communicate the location in case CEBC members are available to attend.

CEBC’s Contribution to Vetting the New HR Design in April: Karen emailed Heather Daniels regarding input from CEBC.  Heather’s reply indicated that input was welcome, but no formal input was requested.  ASEC will be reviewing recommendations based upon whether the recommendations are considered useful, not useful, confusing or conflict with other recommendations.  Karen attended the 4/19/12 meeting of the HR redesign budget committee.  This committee advises Darrell regarding budget issues as they pertain to academic staff.  Items discussed included: 1) high demand academic staff retention; 2) special projects fund that allows academic staff to be released from teaching duties to revise/improve courses; 3) mandatory evaluations…this discussion led to the question of whether there should be mandatory training for all supervisors, including faculty; 4) bridge funding for researchers…there was a pilot project some years ago with moderate success.  CEBC may be involved in writing rules for this in the future; 5) succession and replacement planning when academic staff leave and duties are re-assigned; 6) vacation changes…proposal would incorporate personal days with vacation days.

Next Meeting: TBD


Respectfully submitted:  Kate Kowalski and Jenny Dahlberg

CEBC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff