Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 8-3-10
CEBC Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2010
1:30–3 p.m. Room 334 Bascom
Present: Ana Araujo, Lea Aschenase, Cheryl Diermyer, Dennis Ray, Bob Purvis, Miriam Simmons, Alec Widerski, and Beth Workmaster.
Miriam was re-elected to chair the committee. Ana will serve as vice-chair.
Transportation Services
Patrick Kass, director Transportation Services, discussed the challenges facing his unit as a precursor to the study Bob Purvis is chairing,“how the transportation funding and plans for making up the deficit impacts [academic] staff.” Kass agreed to work the CEBC in assessing the impact of the changes on academic staff to the extent that data are available.
The mission of Transportation Services is to “provide innovative transportation solutions that service and support the university community.” Following a peer review and an internal audit, Kass learned major programs are outpacing revenues so much so that he is operating with a $1 million annual loss. The majority of the financial burden is on permit holders. As surface parking lots are lost to new building construction and new parking structures, expenses are rising faster than income. According to the Campus Master Plan surface lots will be replaced with parking structures which have a higher cost per parking space. Hence, the campus forums which were held in the spring to help find a way to cover the deficit. Two programmatic changes will be in effect this year: evening permits and restricting car pools to one permit. This next year transportation services will be exploring a variety of options to reduce the deficit. The bus pass will continue to be complementary for the ’10-’11 school year. For more information check out:
Collective Bargaining
Alec updated us on the latest on Collective Bargaining. The committee has been holding meetings and gathering information from many different players and constituencies around campus. We've held meetings with most of the different unions that have indicated a desire to petition for titles or have done so. We hope to hold a few more with the president and others from United Faculty and Academic Staff, and maybe ask a few individuals back based upon new information we've gathered. Many if not all of the summaries of our business and meetings of the committee and with these parties are posted on the website below. Russell Dimond has done an excellent job of pulling this info together from many different places.
For complete information go to the website:
’09-10 Annual Report
Miriam will revise and distribute.
Minutes submitted by Miriam Simmons