Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 10-19-10
Compensation and Economics Benefits Committee
October 19, 2010
1:30-3:00 p.m., Room 350 Bascom
Present: Robert Purvis, Miriam Simmons, Alec Widerski, Beth Ann Workmaster, Dennis Ray, Eliza Waters
Absent: Cheryl Diermyer, Lea Aschenase, and Ana Araujo
1. Approval of August meeting minutes: Revise above to below. Post to website. Approved as revised.
Approval of September meeting minutes: Revise Rob to Robert. Check and fix link to Transportation Open Forum. Post to website. Approved as revised.
2. Academic Staff Assembly, Monday October 11: Ana attended and represented CEBC.
3. Employee Benefits & Resource Fair, October 12, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Memorial Union: Robert staffed a table for Academic Staff. MASA was at an adjoining table and offers a lot of interesting functions. Specific questions from people who stopped by the table were about getting rid of furlough days and whether progression from some academic staff positions to faculty could be investigated and offered.
4. Layoffs – ACADEMIC STAFF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (ASPP): Beth reported that concerns about layoff procedures in uncertain economic times lead us to review “Chapter 3 NONRENEWAL OF FIXED-TERM RENEWABLE APPOINTMENTS” and “Chapter 5 LAYOFF FOR REASONS OF BUDGET OR PROGRAM.” These chapters address minimum notice periods, referral processes, and appeal rights. The ASPP is available online at The committee does not wish to raise alarm in a time of low morale, nevertheless is important that academic staff be aware of the ASPP in these times. It appears that there is also some inconsistency across departments with respect to reappointment letters – we should follow up with APO about encouraging annual notification letters. Beth will review the FAQs on our website and see if there are updates needed. Miriam will draft a memo to be sent out semi-annually to academic staff to highlight the existence of the page.
5. Transportation Subcommittee Update: Robert reported that the subcommittee (Alec, Ana, and Eliza) met for a second time on Tuesday, October 12. Eliza contacted Patrick Kass at Transportation Services (TS) and received data concerning bus pass and parking usage, the survey of campus employees, travel distances, and survey data with self-reported salary information with the goal of assessing the potential financial impact on employees that any fee increases may incur. We also need information from HR about the number of academic staff within salary ranges to project the impact of any plan to charge for bus passes. Robert will contact David Noyce, chair of the Campus Transportation Committee, to let him know of our existence and desire to avoid duplicating work of the CTC. The charge of this subcommittee is to “study how the transportation funding and plans for making up the deficit impacts staff."
6. Collective Bargaining Update from Alec: Alec will send an e-mail with his report.
7. Efficiency update – next meeting.
8. Calculated Compensation for Academic Staff who start their employment during the calendar month. CEBC members to check with departmental HR person – Dennis will check on listserv.
Ana and Dennis are exploring this issue further.
9. Set December meeting. Miriam will be contacting committee members to set a December meeting date.
Adjourned at 3:06 pm
Respectfully submitted by Robert Purvis