Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Minutes 1-21-10

Minutes of CEBC Meeting on January 21, 2010


Member Attendees: 
• Alec Widerski 
• Beth Ann Workmaster 
• Linda Pittz 
• Dennis Ray 
• Kay Schoenherr


Guest: Karen Tusack



1. Review November notes

Approved with the following changes:

• Pitts to Pittz 
• Ranch to Range 
• Corrected spelling of Kay’s name.


2. Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Collective Bargaining (Russell Diamond Chair)

Alec is the CEBC representative. The Committee has put out information on a Collective Bargaining website about unionization issues. Beth indicated that she used the website information to summarize issues on collective bargaining for a department support staff group that includes academic staff. Use of this website by others on campus was encouraged.


3. Alternative Solution to Category A Maxima

The Committee reviewed item C under the agility agenda proposed by Steve Stern in December. The Committee was not clear on what was being proposed as an alternative solution. The following comments were made about one possible interpretation: the creation of another promotion step.


• Practical issue for staff on soft money: Where does the funding coming from? Supervisors ask this question before promoting staff even if they are not supposed to officially. 
• Policies for funding staff in research. On multi-year proposals, salary progression is typically not factored in to the proposed budget. As a result, there is not project funding available for promotions. There needs to be clearly communicated policies on rate and title changes under soft money. 
• Related issue: PPPC job security flyer. Job security may also be affected by a promotion. This can be a barrier to promotion when the unit practice is to not grant higher levels of job security.

Beth was asked to write a description of the soft money issues for further discussion by the CEBC. This description may be shared with Steve Lund for comment. CEBC may want to invite Lund to a meeting if appropriate.


4. Update from System Fringe Benefits Advisory Committee (FBAC) - Karen Tusack

Karen is the campus representative on the FBAC. She reported on topics from the Oct. 9 meeting at which time the following changes in the 2010 health insurance policies were discussed. 
• domestic partners and children covered 
• imputed tax consequences 
• forms for applying for domestic partner 
• mental health and behavioral issues (no dollar or day limitations in the future, but organizations can opt out)
• new autism benefits 
• <18 years and old eligible for cochlear implants 
• dependency ok to end of month turning 27 
• health group insurance costs up 9% 
• prescription drug co-pay. $820 out of pocket maximum. 
• VSP: added 
• Anthem Delta Blue: no change (dental) 
• VSP: no change (vision) 
• Total staff benefits: 32 to 40% of whole = benefits (health, retirement, life, etc.) 
• Implementation of domestic partner group health implementation 
• Unclassified full/partner unpaid leave of absence: up to 5 years (granted by chancellor) 
• engage in entrepreneurial activities 
• services for another institution in UW 
• engage in public service as appointed/elected 
• fellow of a research entity 
• Can be extended. President to report to Regents. 
• Vacation cash out option 
• 40 hours every year after 10 years. No longer available. 
• Want to reinstate at end of 2009-2010 after 15 years. 
• Worry about liability with long term hours. 
• Tuition remission models from peer institutions being studied 
o Employees and dependents (including domestic partners)

Kay suggested that the FBAC look at allowing Roth deductions to save paperwork for staff.


5. Communications

The CEBC discussed the new academic staff website and CEBC’s page on it. The following questions were identified for further discussion: 
• What information is needed on the academic staff website from CEBC? 
• What is the status of CEBC reports?

The recommendation was that the CEBC has a demo of the website at the next meeting and then discuss what information should be placed there.

CEBC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff