Academic Staff Assembly Documents 10-14-19
Draft Assembly Minutes 09-9-19
Flier for Fall 2019 Art Exhibit
Title and Total Compensation Project November Forums
ASEC Report
Employee Assistance Services Annual Report 2018-19
EAOAnnualRepandComparisonHandout_10.19.pdf (paper copy at door)
Handout on Youth Programming Issues
2019.10.11YouthProtectionPoliciesone-pager.pdf (paper copy at door)
TTC Forums for November 2019
TTCNov2019ForumsEnglish8.5x11.pdf (paper copy at door)
Changes to ASPP Chapters 6 and 9
715-ASPPChangesChapters6and9.pdf (paper copy at door)
715-CoverSheet.docx (paper copy at door)
Our Shared Future: UW-Madison and the Ho-Chunk Nation
716-OurSharedFutureUW-MadisonandtheHo-ChunkNation.pdf (paper copy at door)
716-OurSharedFutureUW-MadisonandtheHo-ChunkNation.pdf (paper copy at door)
716-CoverSheet.docx (paper copy at door)