Mentoring Committee Minutes 7-8-11
Meeting Notes
Friday, July 8, 2011
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Union South, Governance Room
Friday, July 8, 2011
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Union South, Governance Room
Present: Donna Silver (welcome portion), Angie White, Justin Stolarik,
Trici Schrader, Julie Klein, Danny Aerts, Brenda Spychalla, Ron Harris, Jeff
Gehrke, Dija Selimi, Kristin Haakenson
Trici Schrader, Julie Klein, Danny Aerts, Brenda Spychalla, Ron Harris, Jeff
Gehrke, Dija Selimi, Kristin Haakenson
1. Welcome words from Donna Silver
• This is now an official academic staff governance commitee
• It will be regularly reporting at the acad staff assembly, with co-chairs
attending an Aug 25 academic staff planning
• The orientation for mentors/mentees in the Fall is supported by Donna's
• Donna is launching a new academic staff website, where it will be easier
to post agendas, minutes, and add extra pages (i.e, features)
2. Words of wisdom from past committee member, Ron Harris (Lori Devine could
not attend)
• Previously there was no mechanism to get off “committee.” Now members
will serve staggered 3 year terms.
• As an official committee, we now have some monies to support activities
• Built a focus on developing and retaining staff - developing careers at UW-
• Three primary types of staff to supporto New staff groups - possibly grad students now experiencing
different expectations in the workplace.
o Working professionals from a different or corporate setting – A good
initial question is to ask them to describe the first time he/she tried
to buy something at Uw-Madison.
o Mentors - raising morale
3. Select a new co-chair
• Angieʼs commitments have changed, and she will be unable to serve as a4. Set future meeting dates and times
co-chair, so two nominations were sought.
• Roles of co-chairso set agenda, meeting times, location (have met as needed)• Nominations and discussion
o keep track of minutes
o coordinate with Donna on big events
o lead kick off luncheon (fall)
o coordinate for Academic Staff Leadership Institute (spring)
o give committee reports at academic staff assembly – (monthly)
o attend ASEC meetings, as needed (happens on thursdays)
o work closely with Donna on web updates
o build partnerships with MASA - tag on to their programs, whenever
o Academic Staff Institute – provide a break out session on mentoring
o Delegate when possible to other members
o Trici and Angie can serve as consultants moving forwardo Angie's schedule opens up in the Spring semester
o Dija's schedule is better in Fall semester, and she can serve as co-
o -Brenda can serve as co-chair
o -Dija will notify Donna Silver.
o Dija and Brenda have availability for August 25.
o Angie has a proposed agenda from Donna and a recommendation
to add back in the panel discussion for Kick-off meeting. Trici has
the panel information from prior years. Also there could be an
option for a second date to give more scheduling flexibility for
mentors/mentees. As soon as we have dates, Donna and Mary will
take care of logistics.
• Co-chairs will coordinate.5. Make Mentor/Mentee Match-ups
• Danny displayed mentor and mentee lists.6. Next steps
• Process overviewo Opened up application process in April and collected them through• Committee hasn't historically done any official check ins, beyond emails
first of June.
o Make matches in July and August
o Announce matches in September
o Hold Kick-Off meeting in October
encouraging attendance at some events. (i.e. MASA events)
• Have worked with Don Schutt in the past on preparing mentors for their
• Details on the datasheetso Mentors and mentees in separate tables• Recommended notification of matches by early September
o Try to keep mentees with 5 or fewer years, encourage someone
with more experience to possibly be a mentor.
o Review campus addresses of applicants - consider flexibility with
opportunities to stay virtually connected
o Reviewed skill interests
o Haven't historically matched people up from same departments
o MyWebSpace group folder suggested
o Qualtrics Survey recommended as a tool for making matches.
• Recommended creation of group mailing list
• Suggested Friday afternoons, possibly July 29 for next meeting
• Dija will notify Donna about co-chairs and events, and create a group
shared folder in her MyWebSpace.
• Brenda will set up Qualtrics survey for initial analysis of matches,
coordinate scheduling for next meeting (electronically), check on status of
group mailing list, and share out minutes to MyWebSpace folder.
• Danny will email out the spreadsheets to the group.