Mentoring Committee Minutes 8-2-11

Academic Staff Mentoring Committee 

Meeting Notes

Tuesday August 2nd, 2011

12:30 – 2:30 pm

Bascom, Room 67


Present:  Justin Stolarik, Trici Schrader, Julie Klein, Danny Aerts, Brenda Spychalla, Jeff Gehrke, Dija Selimi, Kristin Haakenson

  1. Reviewed Agenda
  2. Approved Minutes from July 8th meeting
  3. Announcements

                  Dija will contact Sarah Miller from Teaching Symposium about 
                  developing/adapting mentoring model for ASMC

  1. Fall Kick-Off Meeting

a.     What do we need to know? Logistics? Food, location, dates, nametags etc…

b.     Balance between formal and open-ended event: need some programming to justify cost

         -Panel of previous mentors?

  1. Match, match, match!!

a.     Brenda summarized the Qualtrics survey data into a spreadsheet

b.     Where there was agreement by three committee members for a mentor, the column with the mentee was highlighted in GREEN and the mentor was BOLDED. These mentors were removed from the list

c.     Where there was lack of agreement, the mentees were highlighted in YELLOW, and assigned to the remaining mentors after discussion.

d.     Some people were removed from the matching process because:

a.     It was unclear if they actually intended to be mentors instead of mentees

b.     They were difficult to match due to particular professional interests

  1. The people we decided to wait until the end to match were:

a.     Aaron Stegner-Kinesiology (22 yrs experience)

b.     Cynthie Anderson-(8 yrs) Professor of Ob-Gyn East Town Clinic

c.     Deb McFarlane- (10 yrs) Political Science

d.     Danielle Hepting (7 yrs) Outreach-SMPH









Dan Barnish

Andrea Herr-Turoff

Jaqui Guthrie

Becky Koltonski

Shari Smith

Jessica Rivera

Steve Zwickel

Cathy Stierman

Sharon Vetter

Liz Vanderwerff

Nicole Schmidt

Jessica Hirsch

Nicole Truog

Christina Hower

Fran Metcalf

Mary Butler Stone


Roxanne VonTayson

Kelly Cuene

Mary Paulaskis

Carole Turner

Amy A. Hawley

Diana Thomas

Cynthia Colombo

Gale Sisney

Zaher Karp

Kaylene Riley

Rebecca Quigley

Jackie Cooper

Rachel Brummel

Justin Stolarik

Vicky Lenzlinger

Mary Russell

Lexy Spry

Brenda Spychalla

Sarah Fuelleman

Catherine Stephens

Falicia Hines

Cindy Kuhasch

Vicki Zimmerman

Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Colleen Mouw

Katy France

Libby Bestul

Ed Elder

Mary Jo Knobloch

Ron Harris

Lesley Sager

Mary Possin

Kendra Gurnee

Mary Fiorenza

Tiziana Serafini

Ruth Genger

Cynthie K. Anderson

Donna Cole

Cathy Whitford

Mary Treleven

Amanda Truppe


Deb McFarlane


Susana Valdez-Shogren

Paul Kohn

Brie Chapa

Joanne Berg

Kevin Berg

Steve Schroeder

Scott Burkhardt

Jeff Gehrke

Patrick Ellestad

Susan Nelson

Danielle Hepting

Jason Keaton

Christine McWilliams

Jeff Dvorak

Stephanie Miller-Lamb

Vaqar Adhami

Nitya Maddodi

John Klatt

Erin McCloskey

Dawn Crim

Emily Campbell

Teena Nelson

Libby Dowdall

Craig Foreback

Talley Mitchell



  1. Action Items

a.     E-mail Aaron Stegner and see if he wants to be a mentor. If he does, match him with Roxanne VonTayson

b.     E-mail Danielle Hepting and see if she wants to be a mentor. If she does, match her with Susana Valdez-Shogren

c.     E-mail Cynthie Anderson and find out what she would like to learn from a mentor

d.     E-mail Deb McFarland and find out if she would like to be a mentor

e.     E-mail mentors and mentees with an update about matching

f.      Notify mentors and mentees of matches by end of August

g.     Notify mentors and mentees of Fall Kick-off and save the date


  1. Updates: 8/12/2011

a.     E-mailed Aaron Stegner on 8/5/2011 but have not heard as of 8/12/2011

b.     E-mailed Danielle Hepting on 8/5/2011. She indicated she would like to be a mentee because she does not work on campus and would like to know more about the organization of the campus and make connections. I asked Susan Nelson of the Center for Pre-Health Advising to be her mentor.

c.     E-mailed Cynthie Anderson at the East Clinic for UW-Health. She indicated she will be taking a management position and would like more experience in writing and managing grants and curriculum development. I matched her with a former colleague, Ruth Genger who has over 10 years of experience in these areas.

d.     Brenda mentioned finding someone in Education to mentor Deb McFarlane.

e.     E-mailed Sarah Miller and Christine Pfund about developing mentoring program for ASMC. They are on vacation until August 19th.

f.      We still do not have matches for Susana Valdes Shogren and Roxanne VonTayson.

  1. Adjourn

Mentoring Committee Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff