Mentoring Committee Minutes 12-13-11
Agenda Academic Staff Mentoring Committee
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 11 AM – NOON
302 Teacher Education Building
11:00 - Review Agenda
11:05 - Approve Minutes from August 2 – Approved without changes.
11:10 – Updates
1. Mentoring Committee Website, - Brenda will connect with Justin in January for a Spring semester editing role.
2. Reports to ASEC and Assembly
a. Dija reported at one ASEC earlier in the Fall.
b. Brenda will report at January 9 ASA.
11:20 – Discussion
1. Revising Timelines: Communication and matches
a. The group consensus is that there is too much time between application and match process. Recommended mentor/mentee match schedule is:
i. Open application in late April - send e-mail confirming interest
ii. Mid-May - send e-mail reminding/confirming/assessing interest in program
iii. End May/Early June - do first round of matches; establish date for mentoring kick-off
iv. Mid June - finalize matches; send "save the date" to mentoring pairs
v. August - confirm kick off date
2. Planning a Spring 2012 Event
a. Recommended a “Reconnect” event in late February or early March that would be a breakfast event at Education Building or Memorial Union.
b. This would be an opportunity for mentors and mentees to revisit goals and expectations with Don Schutt, Harry Webne-Behrman or Chris Pfund as possible presenters.
3. The group also discussed fostering continuing relationships between mentors and mentees, surveying mentors and mentees at the end of mentoring cycle, surveying academic staff about having a mentor in first 6 months of position at UW-Madison, recruiting mentors, and employee orientation.
11:50 - Action Items
1. Contact Donna to confirm on support for “Reconnect” program and date.
2. Email follow ups to confirm roles for Spring event.
3. Set date for Spring committee meeting to discuss:
a. Planning for next matching cycle
b. Wrap up event for current matches
4. Plan possible informal wrap up in April on the Terrace.
5. Check on voting process for new members.
12:13 - Adjourn