Nominating Committee Agenda 11-28-12

Nominating Committee Planning Meeting

Wednesday, September 28, 10:00 am – 11:30 am, Room 1160 WID

Absent: Consuelo (out at Sea!)


1. Identify notetaker (chair)

2. Approve minutes from October meetings (chair)

3. Reports on last month's action items (attached)

4. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.

5. Standing Committee updates (Lisa)

Current standing committee openings

ASEC (Laura)

Communications (Sheila)


DRC (Donna)

Mentoring (Tom)

PPPC (Barb)

PDRC (Jim)

6. ARC updates (Barb)

Current ARC openings

7. Appointed Committee updates (Donna)

Current Appointed committee openings

8. Motion to reconvene in open session.

9. Role updates

Data/Wiki managers (Steve, Sheila)

Pool Growers (Jim, Tom, Barb, Will)

Meeting facilitator (Laura)

10. New business

11. Review action items and parking lot (chair)

12. Adjournment (chair)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 19, 10-11:30

KeywordsNominating Committee Agenda   Doc ID40278
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-05-23 10:39:52Updated2020-07-13 16:08:46
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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