Nominating Committee Agenda 6-12-12
Nominating Committee Agenda
Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Meeting place: TBA, perhaps WID
1. Notetaker:
2. Approval of minutes of May 2012 meeting.
3. Other business and Updates?
Discuss the survey and get involved page
Send message to Assembly listserv about openings on shared governance committees
Planning has begun for Standing Committee activities for 2012-2013
Preparing the 2012-2013 Handbook for Academic Staff Assembly
Please be prepared to give a brief report on your role.
- Chairs-Donna, Lisa, Steve's report
- Website overseer-Sheila
- Pool grower-Lisa
- Assembly and ASEC point person-Consuelo
- Meeting facilitator-Laura
4. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.
5. Elected Committees
Update on slate and open positions.
6. Appointed/Shared Governance Committees
Update: Contact chairs, contact reups, get statements, detailed committee information
7. ARCs/AppealsUpdate on slate and replacement members needed
8. Motion to reconvene in open session.
9. Adjournment