Nominating Committee Agenda 8-20-10

Nominating Committee Agenda

August 30, 9am-10am

Meeting at K6/124 in the CSC (Clinical Science Center/UW Hospital). The K6/124 conference room is located inside the Academic Programs Office. The reception area is K6/146. The Academic Programs Office is located right at the UW Hospital and Clinics end of the Boxer connector (Boxer is the connector between the Health Science Learning Center and the University Hospital). It is easiest to reach from the Health Science Learning Center, but can also be reached if you come in through the hospital. If you come the hospital way, you will enter on the 2nd floor and need to find your way to the K6 module and go to the 1st floor

1. Approval of minutes of June 29, 2010 and July 20, 2010.

2. Updates on general info, reports.

•Heather & Donna want to meet with our committee to talk about the 1% de minimus for 100% funded research staff, and how that relates to governance service. They cannot come to the 8/30 meeting, so Jenn has asked them to come sometime in October or later. 
•Donna Silver discovered that HR does keep a list of all indefinite appointments! We have obtained a copy of this list and it is posted to the NC webspace. Because the file contains a gender flag, it is confidential to this committee---please use the info in that file for Nominating Committee purposes only. 
3. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.

7. Motion to reconvene in open session.

8. Other business

•New files posted: list of all academic staff, list of staff with indefinite appointments, updated candidate pool 
•Conversion of AS Sec files — Steve 
•Fall meeting schedule---does Monday at 9am work well for people?

Jenn will contact everyone for actual dates and locations. 
9. Adjournment

Nominating Committee Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff