Nominating Committee Agenda 9-20-11
Nominating Committee Agenda
September 20, 2011, 12:30am-2:00am
Meeting at Agricultural Hall, 1450 Linden Dr, Room 354
1. Approval of minutes of August 2011.
2. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.
3. Elected Committees
Review immediate openings and committee expiration years, assign someone to work on them.
- CC
- MC
- NC
4. Appointed/Shared Governance Committees
Review immediate openings and committee expiration years, assign someone to work on them.
- Access & Accommo
- Frat & Soro
- Lakeshore
5. ARCs/Distinguished/Appeals
Review immediate openings and committee expiration years, assign someone to work on them.
6. Motion to reconvene in open session.
7. Other business
Set future meeting locations
8. Adjournment