Nominating Committee Agenda 5-8-12

Nominating Committee Agenda

Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 12:30pm-2:00pm

Meeting place: 1160 WID

1. Notetaker: Sheila Stoeckel

2. Approval of minutes of April 2012.

3. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.

4. Elected Committees

Update on slate and open positions.

Donna: contact MT to ask her to consider being nominated for ASEC

Barb: contact ES

They will let us know if we all need to solicit candidates for ASEC.

5. Appointed/Shared Governance Committees

Update: Contact chairs, contact reups, get statements, detailed committee information

Will: confirm that TB has actually been approved and contacted for participation on the Fraternities and Sororities Commission; contact DC about Academic Staff Appeals

All: before the next meeting review the statements for the Committee on Women in the University

Barb: email MB about term lengths;  contact MM about participation in UPAC

6. ARCs/Appeals

Suggestions for replacement members needed

7. Motion to reconvene in open session.

8. Updates

Please be prepared to give a brief report on your role.

  • Chairs-Donna, Lisa, Steve's report
  • Website overseer-Sheila
  • Pool grower-Lisa
  • Assembly and ASEC point person-Consuelo
  • Meeting facilitator-Laura

9. Other business?

Discuss the survey and get involved page

Send message to Assembly listserv about openings on shared governance committees.

10. Adjournment

Nominating Committee Agenda 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff