Nominating Committee Agenda 11-13-13
Nominating Committee Meeting
Date: November 13, 2014
Place: Union South
1. Identify notetaker (chair)
2. Approve minutes from April meetings (chair)
3. Reports on last month's action items
- 4. Motion to convene in Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) to discuss personnel matters.
5. Standing Committee updates
- Current standing committee openings
- Election Slates
6. ARC updates
- Current ARC openings
7. Appointed Committee updates
- Current Appointed committee openings
8. Motion to reconvene in open session.
9. Role updates
10. New business
11. Review action items and parking lot (chair)
12. Adjournment (chair)
Next Meeting: December 11, 2013, Union South