Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 06-18-15
Approved 7-9-15
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Bruno Browning; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Kevin Niemi; Robert Newsom; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Deb Brauer, Keri Johnson, Jocelyn Milner, Jeff Russell, Jake Smith
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of June 11, 2015, were approved with a change.
General Reports
• ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported that she, Kevin and Heather D. participated on a call for faculty, academic staff, classified staff, and student representatives with UW System President Ray Cross. President Cross’ message to the reps was to trust him and the Board of Regents. Indefinite appointments were mentioned during the call, and President Cross mentioned the possibility of multiple-year appointments as an alternative. The representatives’ meetings were also mentioned with the idea of holding two face-to-face meetings per year and others via teleconference. Kevin is going to email the UW System academic staff representatives group regarding two issues. One issue is the possibility of the tenure task force dealing with academic staff issues. The other issue is about the changes to shared governance linked to minimizing the number of UW System rep meetings next year.
Russell Kutz and Mary Czynszak-Lyne were elected chair and vice chair of CSEC.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported she planned to attend the Athletic Board meeting on Friday. The Board is expected to take action on the revised search and screen policy. Heather D. met with Mark Connolly and reviewed the documentation surrounding the honorific instructional professor title. She also met with Carole Kolb and shared some of the information generated by the meeting of academic staff serving on campus-wide search and screen committees. Lastly, Heather D. and Heather M. met with Marsha Mailick. Marsha will talk about research cores and center reviews when she visits ASEC next month.
Liaison Reports
Campus Planning Committee Marwa Bassiouni would like to continue on this committee. The next meeting is July 23.
Guests: Keri Johnson, Division of Continuing Studies, Jocelyn Milner, Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research, and Jeff Russell, Division of Continuing Studies
Jeff Russell began by reviewing some of the history behind summer session. The Division of Continuing Studies has been coordinating summer session for 130 years. The committee directed by the Provost tackled the questions of how to grow summer session by meeting student needs and balancing resources. UW-Madison currently offers 435 courses in the summer with nearly half of those with an enrollment of 1-11 students. Approximately 1600 students transfer in more than 6,000 credits that were taken during the summer at other institutions.
The report recommends that faculty and schools/colleges should look at what students need to graduate and how to reduce their time to degree. Students can take advantage of summer credits to save them money in the long term. The committee recommends a new budget model for summer that would preserve what UW-Madison has been doing in the past, but incentivizing growth by returning more tuition funding to schools/colleges.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Proposed FPP Chapter 6 Changes Charge
There was a motion to approve a charge that reads “Review proposed changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6; Provide recommendations regarding the changes.” Seconded. Approved.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Selection Criteria for Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC
There was a motion to approve the charge for this committee. Seconded. Approved. Heather D. will send out a call to the Assembly asking for members.
• Academic Staff Governance Planning Meeting Discussion
ASEC discussed the format for this meeting and decided to try to hold two meetings on separate days for a span of 2-3 hours. Heather D. will send out a calendar. ASEC also discussed the idea of inviting the Assembly to part or all of the meeting. ASEC will make a final determination about this in July.
• Next ASEC Meeting, July 9, 2015
Reconvened in Open Session (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
• Motion to nominate Philip Dunigan, William Heiss, Tom Tabone to Area Review Committee-Administrative/Student Services/Library; Melissa Behr, Paul Hutson, Orly Vardeny to Area Review Committee-Biological/Medical Sciences, Christine DeSmet, Martha Gibson to Area Review Committee-Humanities/Social Sciences, Charles Fry to Area Review Committee-Physical Sciences/Engineering and appoint Cameron Scarlett to the Campus Transportation Committee and Nancy Schultz-Darken and Rebecca Scheller to the Committee on Women in the University. Seconded. Approved.
• Motion to approve Tom Zinnen as Assembly Representative. Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 3:40 p.m. Thursday, June 18, 2015
67 Bascom Hall
2:00 – 3:40 p.m. Thursday, June 18, 2015
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Bruno Browning; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Kevin Niemi; Robert Newsom; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Deb Brauer, Keri Johnson, Jocelyn Milner, Jeff Russell, Jake Smith
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of June 11, 2015, were approved with a change.
General Reports
• ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported that she, Kevin and Heather D. participated on a call for faculty, academic staff, classified staff, and student representatives with UW System President Ray Cross. President Cross’ message to the reps was to trust him and the Board of Regents. Indefinite appointments were mentioned during the call, and President Cross mentioned the possibility of multiple-year appointments as an alternative. The representatives’ meetings were also mentioned with the idea of holding two face-to-face meetings per year and others via teleconference. Kevin is going to email the UW System academic staff representatives group regarding two issues. One issue is the possibility of the tenure task force dealing with academic staff issues. The other issue is about the changes to shared governance linked to minimizing the number of UW System rep meetings next year.
Russell Kutz and Mary Czynszak-Lyne were elected chair and vice chair of CSEC.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported she planned to attend the Athletic Board meeting on Friday. The Board is expected to take action on the revised search and screen policy. Heather D. met with Mark Connolly and reviewed the documentation surrounding the honorific instructional professor title. She also met with Carole Kolb and shared some of the information generated by the meeting of academic staff serving on campus-wide search and screen committees. Lastly, Heather D. and Heather M. met with Marsha Mailick. Marsha will talk about research cores and center reviews when she visits ASEC next month.
Liaison Reports
Campus Planning Committee Marwa Bassiouni would like to continue on this committee. The next meeting is July 23.
Guests: Keri Johnson, Division of Continuing Studies, Jocelyn Milner, Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research, and Jeff Russell, Division of Continuing Studies
Jeff Russell began by reviewing some of the history behind summer session. The Division of Continuing Studies has been coordinating summer session for 130 years. The committee directed by the Provost tackled the questions of how to grow summer session by meeting student needs and balancing resources. UW-Madison currently offers 435 courses in the summer with nearly half of those with an enrollment of 1-11 students. Approximately 1600 students transfer in more than 6,000 credits that were taken during the summer at other institutions.
The report recommends that faculty and schools/colleges should look at what students need to graduate and how to reduce their time to degree. Students can take advantage of summer credits to save them money in the long term. The committee recommends a new budget model for summer that would preserve what UW-Madison has been doing in the past, but incentivizing growth by returning more tuition funding to schools/colleges.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Proposed FPP Chapter 6 Changes Charge
There was a motion to approve a charge that reads “Review proposed changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6; Provide recommendations regarding the changes.” Seconded. Approved.
• Ad Hoc Committee on Selection Criteria for Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC
There was a motion to approve the charge for this committee. Seconded. Approved. Heather D. will send out a call to the Assembly asking for members.
• Academic Staff Governance Planning Meeting Discussion
ASEC discussed the format for this meeting and decided to try to hold two meetings on separate days for a span of 2-3 hours. Heather D. will send out a calendar. ASEC also discussed the idea of inviting the Assembly to part or all of the meeting. ASEC will make a final determination about this in July.
• Next ASEC Meeting, July 9, 2015
-Chair and Vice Chair DutiesConvene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments or nominations to Area Review Committee-Administrative/Student Services/Library, Area Review Committee-Biological/Medical Sciences, Area Review Committee-Humanities/Social Sciences, Area Review Committee-Physical Sciences/Engineering, Campus Transportation Committee, Committee on Women in the University, Academic Staff Appeals Committee and Academic Staff Assembly Representative (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
-Liaison Assignments
-Shared Governance Letter from Chancellor
-Shared Governance Discussion
-Priorities Survey Results
Reconvened in Open Session (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
• Motion to nominate Philip Dunigan, William Heiss, Tom Tabone to Area Review Committee-Administrative/Student Services/Library; Melissa Behr, Paul Hutson, Orly Vardeny to Area Review Committee-Biological/Medical Sciences, Christine DeSmet, Martha Gibson to Area Review Committee-Humanities/Social Sciences, Charles Fry to Area Review Committee-Physical Sciences/Engineering and appoint Cameron Scarlett to the Campus Transportation Committee and Nancy Schultz-Darken and Rebecca Scheller to the Committee on Women in the University. Seconded. Approved.
• Motion to approve Tom Zinnen as Assembly Representative. Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff