ECMS - Updating a scanning workstation

This document explains how to update an ImageNow scanning workstation.
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Updating a scanning workstation

If you are swapping a Scanning Workstation (e.g from XP to Windows 7; or Windows 7 to Windows 10) such that it's workstation id or OS is changing be aware that there are steps that you need to take before the change and after the change in order to maintain your ImageNow scanning functionality. If you are unsure whether your changes will require these precautions, please contact the Imaging Team ( with your questions.

If you do not take these steps beforehand, you will likely be unable to scan to ImageNow until the situation can be addressed.

Steps to take in advance of your scanner workstation update: When are you scheduling your scanner workstation update? Please make sure to coordinate with the Imaging Team a week or more in advance (if you are also upgrading your scanner you will likely need to allow up to a six weeks for an updated scanner license from Perceptive Software!) to ensure our availability.

  1. Are you updating your scanner as well as your workstation? If so, you likely will need a zero-cost conversion of your current scanning license with PerceptiveSoftware. Be aware this can take up to 6 weeks and you will not be able use your new scanner until this has been done. To learn more or request a zero-cost conversion contact the Imaging Team (
  2. Make copies of inscan.xml and indevice.xml for the Windows account used for ImageNow / scanning from the old workstation.
    1. The ImageNow Client workpath can be found in the ImageNow Client toolbar clicking on the Help menu and then About ImageNow. The workpath may vary on different workstations but, by default it is located in

%APPDATA%\ImageNow\ Examples: c:\%APPDATA%\ImageNow\inscan.xml c:\%APPDATA%\ImageNow\indevice.xml

  1. Write down the workstation id (e.g., AIMS3255) of the old workstation. The Imaging Team will need this to update your license token.
  2. Contact to coordinate a time to make the changes.

When you have your new scanning workstation:

  1. Install the appropriate scanning drivers and verify that the scanner functions with Windows.
    1. Ensure that the account you wish to use for scanning on the workstation is a local administrator.
  2. Install the ImageNow desktop client ( and any necessary updates.
  3. There are two potential scenarios depending upon whether the scan device has been created in ImageNow.
    1. Scenario 1: On the target workstation, the scan device has not been created in ImageNow.
      1. Note To perform this procedure, you must be a user with management privileges, a Manager, or the Owner.
      2. On the originating workstation, log off the ImageNow Client.
      3. On the originating workstation, navigate to the workpath for the user you want, and copy the indevice.xml and inscan.xml to a location that can be accessed from the target workstation.
      4. On the target workstation, on the ImageNow toolbar, on the Settings menu, click Options.
      5. In the ImageNow Options dialog box, select the Capture tab, under Scanning Profiles, click Manage Device List, and then click Create.
      6. Follow the steps through the wizard to select the driver you want to run your scanning device – "Kofax" or "Pixel."
        1. Note: When configuring Kofax 4.0, and earlier versions, for a Kofax driver to appear as a Driver Type option in the Device Manager wizard, you need to have Kofax installed on your system and configure KSM (32-bit) from Control Panel. When you double-click KSM (32-bit), the Kofax Source Manager enables you to quickly complete the steps using a wizard.
        2. Note: For a Kofax 4.1 driver to appear as a Driver Type option in the Device Manager wizard, you need to have Kofax installed on your system and configure KSM from Control Panel. When you double-click KSM, the Kofax Source Manager enables you to quickly complete the steps using a wizard.
      7. Click Finish, and then click OK to close Device Manager.
      8. Log off the ImageNow Client.
      9. On the target workstation, navigate to the workpath for the user you want, and then delete the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files.
    2. Scenario 2: On the target workstation, the scan device has been created in ImageNow.
      1. On the originating workstation, navigate to the workpath for the user you want, and copy the indevice.xml and inscan.xml to location that can be accessed from the target workstation.
      2. On the target workstation, copy the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files into the workpath for the user you want.
      3. Copy the inscan.xml and indevice.xml files from Step i. into the workpath for the user you want.
  4. Contact the Imaging Team at the time you have previously coordinated to update the license key token.

Imaging Imaging System Experience ImageNow perceptive content ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive scanning workstation 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS