NetID Login Service - Checking Login Server Functionality

If people are having problems logging into NetID Login Service(WebISO)-protected applications, these instructions will help to determine if the problem is with the NetID login service or with the application:

If you are not prompted to log in, please close and re-open your browser, and then retry the above login server link.

If the test succeeds, the NetID login service is functioning correctly and the problem is with the application (either in their local WebISO configuration or their Authorization).

If the test fails, the login service is down.

Keywordswebiso netid login testing checking functionality functioning working server shibboleth shib   Doc ID4186
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2005-11-16 19:00:00Updated2022-05-25 15:15:35
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management
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