Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 11-12-13

PDRC Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2013    
10:00-11:00 a.m. Union South

Attendance:  Bob Agasie, Colleen Barrett, Amy Hawley, Elisabeth Foster, Curtis Ryals, John Klatt, Alison Rice, Jeff Armstrong, Ralph Grunewald

1. Announcements – No announcements were made.
2. Automatic Consent Business – Minutes for October 2013 approved without dissent.

3. Standing Sub-committees report

o PD grants – Amy
Danielle submitted a paper report for the committee’s review as she could not attend.  Amy reported that she and Danielle will be reviewing all submitted applications and preparing them for the fall pd grant committee for distribution by 11/20/2013.  There are only 44 submissions.  After a long discussion it was agreed that because the volume is down the committee will not break into groups but read all applications.  Jeff A suggested that other methods may be more efficient.  Many other methods were discussed.  More volume may necessitate making changes.

The target date to be done with the review and to meet as a sub-committee is the week of 12/2/2013.  A doodle pool will be sent.

Danielle will be meeting with Martha Casey next week to discuss awards.

o Awards – Elisabeth and Jeff
Secretary Heather Daniels was alerted to move the Regent awards deadlines up to December 11, 2013 as they are due to UW System on December 20, 2013.  The awards committee assignments sheet was distributed.  Discussion about the Underkofler award and whether academic staff are seriously considered for the award (in light of the award not going to a Madison AAS member in at least a decade) ensued.  The designation of the award will be checked again and discussed with the Secretary’s office.  Curtis will follow-up on this issue.  

All other awards are due 1/6/2014.  There is some concern that there is not enough marketing of the awards overall.  This and other issues require clarification of the role of the Secretary’s office and the role of the committee.  The committee agreed to extend an invitation to Secretary Daniels to meet with the committee.  The committee would like to welcome her in her new role and discuss how to better work together.  Elizabeth and Alison volunteered to draft an agenda for the meeting.  Curtis will invite her to the January 14, 2014 meeting.

o Executive Education Grants – Ralph and Jay
Colleen is helping Ralph in his new role.  Ralph is checking in with the Business School.  Colleen clarified that PD grants can also pay for executive education.  UW staff can receive a discount of 50% if they call and make arrangements.
The call for applications will be due in March with applications reviewed in April.

4. Committee business
o Awards sign-up – distributed.
o Sub-committee scheduling – tbd

5. ASEC updates
o Annual report
Curtis distributed the annual report to the Academic Staff Assembly.  The Chancellor was at the meeting and during her Q & A she was asked about supporting more funds for professional development.  She indicated that she needed to learn more.  The committee is interested in providing the Chancellor more information per her request.

6.  Other business

o Advising applicants on awards.
Curtis is receiving questions that would best be handled by the Secretary’s office as it may be inappropriate for the committee members to advise on appropriate award category entry.  It will go on the list to discuss with Secretary Daniels.

7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:53 a.m.

PDRC minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff