Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 12-10-13

PDRC Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2013    
10:00-11:00 a.m. Memorial Union

Attendance:  Bob Agasie, Colleen Barrett, Amy Hawley, Elisabeth Foster, Curtis Ryals, John Klatt, Alison Rice, Jeff Armstrong, Ralph Grunewald, Stephanie Kutz, Danielle Benden
1. Announcements – Curtis reported Secretary Heather Daniels would meet with the committee during the next regularly scheduled meeting on January 14, 2014.
2. Automatic Consent Business – Minutes for November 2013 approved without dissent.

3. Standing Sub-committees report

o    PD grants – Danielle and Amy
The application review process has been completed with approximately 72% of applicants funded.  The online system still has problems but Danielle will meet with DOIT to continue improving it.  The committee decided it was appropriate to develop a conflict of interest policy.  Ralph agreed to draft the policy.

o    Awards – Elisabeth and Jeff
The UW System award application submissions to the online system were due December 6, 2013.  Only two UW System award applications were submitted.  The committee agreed it would be acceptable for the System award reviewers to conduct their business by email in order to meet the deadline of December 20, 2013 to forward the applications to UW System.  Elisabeth will coordinate with the reviewers.

The Secretary of the Academic Staff inquired if there was a required minimum percentage of academic staff involved in a program to qualify for a Regents Academic Staff Program Excellence Award.  Jeff agreed to review the UW System web site for program grants and report to the committee.

While it is not clear why only two out of the five UW System awards had applicants, the committee reiterated the concern that there is not enough marketing of the awards overall. Elisabeth agreed to contact the Secretary’s office to request another email to be sent out advertizing the remaining awards which have a 1/6/2014 application deadline.

It was suggested that the Provost’s office be contacted to inquire if short term interim funding could be found to support the recently created Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research in the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences.  Curtis agreed to request the Secretary of the Academic Staff to contact the Provost’s Office.

o    Executive Education Grants – Ralph and Jay
Ralph is checking in with the Business School and has nothing else to report.

4.  Committee business
o    Awards sign-up – distributed.

5.  ASEC updates – None

6.  Other business – None

7. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:59 a.m.

PDRC minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff