Microsoft 365 - Show a declined meeting on my calendar

When a meeting is declined/deleted, Outlook desktop clients and Outlook on the web automatically remove/delete the declined/deleted meeting invitation. The meeting is not saved to your calendar and the meeting request message is moved to the Deleted Items folder.

If you want the meeting invitation to reappear within your calendar, perform the following steps:

Outlook for Windows/Mac

  • Open the meeting request from the Deleted Items folder, and then click Accept or Tentative. If the Deleted Items folder has been emptied, this option is not available.

    Note: You can recover items after the Deleted Items folder is emptied. For more information, see Recover deleted items.

  • Request that the meeting organizer send you a new meeting request by removing you from the meeting and then adding you again. When you receive the new meeting request, click Accept or Decline.

Outlook on the web

  • Open the meeting request from the Deleted Items folder (only single click on the event to show it in the preview pane), and then click MOVE TO Calendar. The event will now appear in you calendar and you will have the option to ACCEPT/DECLINE. If the Deleted Items folder has been emptied, this option is not available.

    Note: You can recover items after the Deleted Items folder is emptied. For more information, see Recover deleted items.

  • Request that the meeting organizer send you a new meeting request by removing you from the meeting and then adding you again. When you receive the new meeting request, click Accept or Decline.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 meeting calendar invite invitation show hide delete outlook web app 2013 2016 2019 for mac windows   Doc ID41919
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2014-07-16 20:54:36Updated2023-02-02 09:22:54
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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