Web Hosting - Create and Manage ASP.NET Applications

Windows/IIS account administrators can create and manage ASP.NET applications in the Admin Control Panel.

Create a New Application

Follow these instructions to create a new ASP.NET application:

    1. Log in to the Plesk Administrative Control Panel.
    2. Under the Websites & Domains tab, expand the section under the domain and select the Virtual Directories icon.
    3. At the top of the screen, click Create Virtual Directory.
    4. The default settings on this page are sufficient for most .NET applications. For additional information about these settings, please see the Plesk Customer's Guide.

IMPORTANT: Selecting Scripts and Executables under the Execute Permissions setting can lead to security vulnerabilities. Please consult Web Hosting (webhosting@doit.wisc.edu) before changing this setting.

  1. By default, the checkbox next to Create physical directory with the same name as virtual directory is checked. You should only use this setting if you intend to create a new physical directory at the same time you're setting up your .NET application. If you are converting an existing physical directory, uncheck the box and enter the path of the directory to be converted (or click the folder icon to browse).

Manage an Existing Application

Follow these instructions to manage an existing ASP.NET application:

    1. Log in to the Plesk Administrative Control Panel.
    2. Under the Websites & Domains tab, expand the section under the domain and select the Virtual Directories icon.
    3. Click the ASP.NET Application you want to manage.
    4. At the top of the screen, click Create Virtual Directory.
    5. The default settings on this page are sufficient for most .NET applications. For additional information about these settings, please see the Plesk Customer's Guide.

IMPORTANT: Selecting Scripts and Executables under the Execute Permissions setting can lead to security vulnerabilities. Please consult Web Hosting (webhosting@doit.wisc.edu) before changing this setting.

.net asp.net admin control panel shared hosting doit virtual directory web 
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Jake S. in DoIT Web Hosting
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