Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 05-12-14


272 Bascom Hall
Monday, May 12, 2014
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, April 14, 2014, were approved as distributed.  

Guest Chancellor Rebecca Blank: Chancellor Blank thanked academic staff for all that they do around campus.  She gave several updates on issues that need state government approval.  Approximately 80% of the flexibilities for HR Design have been approved by the Joint Committee on Employment Relations.  The new system will be in place July 1, 2015.  The remaining 20% of the flexibilities need legislative change.  The reserves policy for UW System was approved by the Joint Audit Committee.  

Regarding campus initiatives, she has been meeting with the UW Foundation about an alumni fundraising campaign.  There is currently work in governance on the following areas: budget models, Vice Chancellor for Research/Dean of Graduate School organization, and Diversity Framework.  

Standing Committee and Other Reports

•    ASEC – Chair Heather McFadden thanked Mary Johansen for serving as Parliamentarian for this past year of the Assembly.  The Survey on Academic Staff Issues will be sent tomorrow and a second survey on Titling from the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee will be sent next week.  She encouraged representatives and those in their districts to fill out the survey.  ASEC has spent the last month working on resolutions/motions for the Assembly.

ASPP Changes Chapter 13.03

There was a motion to approve by Jim Rogers (District #499).  Seconded.  Motion was made by Jim Rogers (District #499) to remove strikeout with the consent of the chancellor or provost.  Seconded.  Amendment approved.  Vote on main motion as amended.  Approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 13

Linda Scholl presented changes to Chapter 13.  Moved. The motion was seconded by Jim Rogers (District #499). Motion was made to add “or Designee” under 13.03 I. and 13.03 I.2.  Seconded. Amendment approved.  Vote on main motion as amended.  Approved.

ASPP Changes Chapter 14
There was a motion to approve the Mentoring Committee as an addition in Chapter 14.  Seconded.  Approved.

Resolution on Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity Framework
Andrew Lokuta (District #237) moved to approve the resolution.  Seconded.  Discussion on the Faculty Senate changes to the report.  An amendment was moved by Tom Zinnen (District #401) to add the following words at the end of the Therefore clause “given to the Faculty Senate without the amendments made by the Faculty Senate.”  Seconded.  Discussion.  Amendment failed.  An amendment was moved to add the following words at the end of the Therefore clause “dated May 6, 2014 and striking C2 in the Executive Summary.” Seconded. Amendment approved.  Vote on main motion as amended.  Approved.

Resolution Regarding Professor of Practice
There was a motion to approve by Jenny Dahlberg (District #417). Motion was seconded by Jim Rogers (District #499).  Discussion.  There was an amendment by Jeanne Hendricks (District #458) to remove the second whereas clause and change the word “granted” in the third whereas clause to “approved”.  Amendment was seconded by Consuelo Lopez Springfield (District #489).  Discussion.  Amendment failed.  There was an amendment by Jeanne Hendricks (District #458) to change the word “granted” in the third whereas clause to “approved.”  Seconded.  Amendment approved.  Vote on the main motion as amended.  Approved with one dissenting vote.

Motion Regarding HR Design Language for Performance Management
There was a motion to approve by Jeff Shokler (ASEC).  Seconded. Discussion. There was an amendment by Denny Hackel (ASEC) to strike the word “allows” in the motion and replace it with “supports use of the language below by” and strike the mid-point conversation in the proposed language.  Seconded.  Amendment approved with some dissent.  Vote on the main motion as amended.  Approved with two dissenting votes.

Resolution on Recommendations regarding Leadership Changes in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research/Dean of the Graduate School
There was a motion to approve by Noel Radomski (District #377). Seconded.  Approved.

Election Results
Secretary Heather Daniels announced the election results for ASEC and the Assembly Standing Committees.  Bruno Browning was elected to fill a vacant ASEC seat for the remainder of the year through June 30, 2014.  Diana Doering, Peter Kleppin, and Pamela O’Donnell were elected to serve three-year terms on the Communications Committee.  Russell Dimond, Anne Reynolds, and Denise Zang were elected to serve three-year terms on the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee.  Robin Kurtz and Gene Masters were elected to serve three-year terms on the Districting and Representation Committee.  Linnea Burk, Aygul Hoffman, and Catherine Stephens were elected to serve three-year terms on the Mentoring Committee.  Tom Browne, Consuelo Lopez Springfield and Sheila Stoeckel were elected to serve three-year terms on the Nominating Committee.  Katy France, Jeanne Hendricks and Linda Scholl were elected to serve three-year terms on the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee.  Jeffrey Bohrer, Elisabeth Foster, Stephanie Jones and Chris Lupton were elected to serve three-year terms on the Professional Development and Recognition Committee.  

New Business
Noel Radomski introduced a motion regarding classified staff representation on joint governance committees and the meaning of the word “in conjunction with academic staff” found in Faculty Policies and Procedures.  Seconded.  Approved with some dissent.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff