Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 9-12-14
PDRC Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 12, 2014
9:00 - 10:00 am
Memorial Union
Members Present: Jeff Armstrong, Nick Ewoldt, Stephanie Jones, Chris Lupton, Stephanie Kutz, Jeff Bohrer, Curtis Ryals, Elisabeth McInnis Foster, Amy Hawley
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 am.
- Welcomed new members Nick Ewoldt, Chris Lupton, and Jeff Bohrer
- Invitation to attend the Shared Governance Reception, October 7, 3-5 pm
- Volunteers are sought for the AS Governance table at the upcoming Benefits Fair; interested members should contact Heather D.
Automatic consent business
- Minutes for August 2014 were approved without dissent.
Standing subcommittee reports
- PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.
o PD Grant call went out last week
o Will there be additional marketing for these grants? Amy to talk with Heather
o Two Brown Bags scheduled – 9/24 Union South and 9/25 HSLC
- Awards: Elisabeth/Jeff B.
o No report
- Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison
o No report
Committee business
- Award for Excellence in Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
o This award has only been given once
o AS Secretary Heather Daniels suggested that some available funds might be used for this award. ASEC was reportedly wary of using all available funds for this and suggested additional funds be sought.
o Committee discussion noted that the PDRC does not have fundraising expertise, so this is likely something that is better coordinated by the Secretary’s office with the involvement of UW Foundation. It was also suggested that Heather approach the Provost.
o Jeff A. will talk with Danielle Benden to get a list of possible funders that she may have generated last year and forward them to Heather.
o Discussion emphasized that if it is to be given again, this award ideally would have stable funding like the other awards.
- Academic Staff governance priorities for 2014-2015
o Jeff A. shared with the committee AS governance priorities for the year compiled in response to a survey of AS. ASEC has asked the standing committees which of these they can address. Discussion focused on the priorities listed under "Professional Opportunities: Training."
o The Academic Staff website could be updated regarding PD Grants. Right now it only announces the current grant cycle and offers specific details for it, not future ones. Chris volunteered to work on this one. Amy and Stephanie will help provide dates for future cycles.
o Work with the communications committee to promote non-award winner recognition. Curtis volunteered.
o Pursue additional funding for AS professional development. Mention was made of the possibility of working with UW Foundation to offer AS Professional Development in the UWF list of online donation opportunities so that donors could target money for this purpose. Chris and Curtis volunteered. Curtis suggested the formation of an ad hoc committee on funding.
o Documentation for personnel files, etc. of employee-initiated professional development activities. Jeff A. is willing to look into this.
o Increased awareness of OHRD offerings. Discussion emphasized that PDRC is not responsible for marketing these programs. Jeff A. will review available programs.
Friday, September 12, 2014
9:00 - 10:00 am
Memorial Union
Members Present: Jeff Armstrong, Nick Ewoldt, Stephanie Jones, Chris Lupton, Stephanie Kutz, Jeff Bohrer, Curtis Ryals, Elisabeth McInnis Foster, Amy Hawley
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 am.
- Welcomed new members Nick Ewoldt, Chris Lupton, and Jeff Bohrer
- Invitation to attend the Shared Governance Reception, October 7, 3-5 pm
- Volunteers are sought for the AS Governance table at the upcoming Benefits Fair; interested members should contact Heather D.
Automatic consent business
- Minutes for August 2014 were approved without dissent.
Standing subcommittee reports
- PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.
o PD Grant call went out last week
o Will there be additional marketing for these grants? Amy to talk with Heather
o Two Brown Bags scheduled – 9/24 Union South and 9/25 HSLC
- Awards: Elisabeth/Jeff B.
o No report
- Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison
o No report
Committee business
- Award for Excellence in Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
o This award has only been given once
o AS Secretary Heather Daniels suggested that some available funds might be used for this award. ASEC was reportedly wary of using all available funds for this and suggested additional funds be sought.
o Committee discussion noted that the PDRC does not have fundraising expertise, so this is likely something that is better coordinated by the Secretary’s office with the involvement of UW Foundation. It was also suggested that Heather approach the Provost.
o Jeff A. will talk with Danielle Benden to get a list of possible funders that she may have generated last year and forward them to Heather.
o Discussion emphasized that if it is to be given again, this award ideally would have stable funding like the other awards.
- Academic Staff governance priorities for 2014-2015
o Jeff A. shared with the committee AS governance priorities for the year compiled in response to a survey of AS. ASEC has asked the standing committees which of these they can address. Discussion focused on the priorities listed under "Professional Opportunities: Training."
o The Academic Staff website could be updated regarding PD Grants. Right now it only announces the current grant cycle and offers specific details for it, not future ones. Chris volunteered to work on this one. Amy and Stephanie will help provide dates for future cycles.
o Work with the communications committee to promote non-award winner recognition. Curtis volunteered.
o Pursue additional funding for AS professional development. Mention was made of the possibility of working with UW Foundation to offer AS Professional Development in the UWF list of online donation opportunities so that donors could target money for this purpose. Chris and Curtis volunteered. Curtis suggested the formation of an ad hoc committee on funding.
o Documentation for personnel files, etc. of employee-initiated professional development activities. Jeff A. is willing to look into this.
o Increased awareness of OHRD offerings. Discussion emphasized that PDRC is not responsible for marketing these programs. Jeff A. will review available programs.