DoIT Computer Lending Program - FAQs

This documents lists answers to some common questions that customers may have regarding the DoIT Computer Lending Program and its equipment and also lists common solutions to problems with the loaner devices or systems. Only students who are currently enrolled are eligible to check out long-term equipment from the DoIT Computer Lending Program. Staff and faculty are strongly referred to work with their department's local IT on available resources before contacting the DoIT Computer Lending Program.

Where can I contact the DoIT Computer Lending Program?
The DoIT Computer Lending Program is managed by the Onsite Help Desk. Customers can contact the program with general questions through or in-person with staff at our Onsite space at 1210 W Dayton Street in the Computer Sciences Building. We are open Monday through Friday from 7:45am to 5pm. Customers may not receive a response from the Computer Lending Program outside of the listed business hours.

Where do I return my DoIT Computer Lending Program device?
Devices from the DoIT Computer Lending Program can be returned to the Onsite Help Desk. We are located at 1210 W Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706 in the Computer Sciences building. If a customer enters from the main doors on W Dayton Street, the Onsite Help Desk is in the offices directly to the right of the atrium space. We also have lockers that are available upon request for customers that may not be able to return devices during Onsite hours. Requests for lockers can be escalated to the Service Desk.

We do not take returns for any of the Infolabs/Libraries equipment. Customers need to return the equipment to the locations where they picked up. 

Devices may be shipped to the Onsite Help Desk. Please see Shipping to the DoIT Help Desk: Computer Repair and Loaner Equipment for more information on shipping loaner devices to the DoIT Help Desk. DoIT highly recommends to purchase insurance with the shipping provider for the package. If items are damaged or lost in transit, the customer is responsible for either a repair or replacement of the device as it states in their checkout agreement. Customers must email to notify that their device is being shipped back along with any tracking information. If customers have any other questions or concerns, they can fill out the DoIT Computer Lending Program request form. 

Please note that if equipment is returned by contactless locker or through shipping, penalties may still occur if the equipment is overdue. Equipment will always be due at the end of business hours the day that the customer has agreed to return the equipment. 

Can my friend or someone else return my laptop for me?
Yes, however you are still held responsible if there are any missing or damaged parts of the loaner bundle. We reserve the right to refuse a return if all the parts are not included otherwise we may place a hold on your student records until the matter is resolved. 

Can I check out equipment for a friend?
No. This is a direct violation of our check out policies. 

Can I reserve a laptop ahead of time?
No. The DoIT Computer Lending Program is not able to provide individual reservations ahead of time. Customers are only eligible to check out one laptop and/or one hot spot at a time. Checkout requests for more than one of each item are subject to approval.

Why can't I reserve equipment ahead of time?
The DoIT Computer Lending Program does not have a reservation system in place to manage a high volume of reservation requests. Additionally, the program does not have enough equipment to fulfill all the requests received. Equipment is primarily intended for individual, student-use and only support departmental and bulk requests on an ad-hoc, based-on-availability basis.

I am faculty/staff. Can I loan out equipment?
Yes, however the program highly encourage staff and faculty to reach out to their local IT departments for available resources before reaching out to the Computer Lending Program. The program typically does not check out equipment for long-term use to faculty/staff. All faculty/staff requests are subject to approval.

Is there a waitlist I can be added to for a laptop?
No. The Computer Lending Program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis due to the limited number of laptops that the program has available in our inventory.

Can I renew my device? 
The DoIT Computer Lending Program will no longer extend currently checked-out equipment past the term that items are due. If a customer needs equipment past their current due date, they will need to come in to the DoIT Onsite Help Desk to return their current item and check out a new one if available. If there are none available, they must wait 1 business day to allow their recently returned equipment to go through the intake processing before they can be allowed to check the same equipment out again.

Note: The Computer Lending Program has a limited supply of laptops that are meant to support all eligible students. It would not be fair to allow customers to continually renew their equipment each semester, since the laptops already have semester-long checkout terms. Additionally, the laptops from the Computer Lending Program are not meant to be permanent replacements for personal machines or for departmental work machines. If customers have questions or feedback concerning this policy or any other policies that the program has, please reach out  to

What happens if I don't return my device on time?
The DoIT Computer Lending Program provides automated notifications concerning your overdue loaner. The program reserves the ability to place holds on your student records which may affect enrollment and official transcripts. Additionally, hot spot service may be suspended and laptops may be locked down from retrieving data.

I didn't receive any reminder emails and was never notified before my computer was locked/blocked from network access.
Upon checkout, all customers agree to abide by the program's policies. Reminder notifications are a courtesy that the program provides, however we can not guarantee email delivery from our systems. Unless otherwise specified by the checkout agent and documented in our system, due dates for laptops coincide with the checkout calendar and check out periods noted above.

I have a hold on my student records. How can I get this removed?
The only holds that the DoIT Computer Lending Program place on student records are for overdue loaner items. This is not an automated process upon return of any overdue item(s). To have the hold removed, customers need to return the overdue items checked out under their name. Removing the holds are done manually and may take 2 to 3 business days before they are completely removed from your student records. 

How much does it cost to rent a computer, and how long can I rent one for?
Our loaner equipment is cost-free for students enrolled at UW-Madison. Laptops are available for semester-long checkouts and hot spots are available one week at a time.

I'm having an issue with a loaner computer. Can I call or email for help?
Yes. The DoIT Help Desk will provide best effort support for issues with the physical devices that customers have checked out. If an issue cannot be fixed over the phone or through email, the DoIT Help Desk may direct customers to return the device to the Onsite Help Desk at their earliest convenience to swap it for another one if the program has laptops available.

rental policies rent procedure procedures rentals faq question questions policy loaner computer lending program loaners, computer lending program, rentals, checkout, check out, clp, FAQ, equipment checkout 
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DoIT Computer Lending Program in DoIT Help Desk
DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Repair