InterPro - Online Learning - Teaching Resources for Instructors - Box Folder Structure for Credit Course Development

InterPro's Learning Design and Technologies unit (LDT) maintains a multi-folder structure within UW-Box for instructors and LDT staff to use during course design, development, and delivery. This document describes the Box folder structure for InterPro credit courses and contains links to tutorials for using UW Madison Box.

Access individual course development folders by logging into UW Madison Box with your NetID.

The main Course Design & Development folder contains the standard folder structure, which is grouped into two different types based on their purpose. The numbered folders are used for organizing current course material delivered to the LMS, and the alphabetized folders are used for meta information (plan, review, archive) and *Development only* course content. This folder structure aims to facilitate ease of use for instructors.

Course Folders

Folders 1-7 organize all finalized course material that is being directly delivered to the LMS. 

 Syllabus folder1 - Syllabus –  Current semester’s syllabus.
 Unit Overview folder
 2 - Unit Overviews folder
– Use this folder for uploading overviews for each unit.  

 Assignments folder3 - Assignments  – All files related to assignments and projects should be uploaded to this folder, to include instructions, templates, models, rubrics and grading criteria.
 Readings and Resources folder4 - Readings and Resources  – Include all course readings and resources here. This folder may be structured with a series of folders for each module or week in the course.
 Recorded Presentation Slides folder5 - Recorded Presentation Slides – Use this folder for uploading the slides used for the  recorded presentations.
Recorded Presentation Videos folder 6 - Recorded Presentation Videos – All final videos are uploaded here. These are the videos that students will be viewing in Canvas.
 Live Web Conference Slides folder7 - Live Web Conference Slides  – If slides are used during live web conferences, the instructor may use this folder to share the slide deck with students. 

Folders A-D are used to plan, develop, review, and archive course material. This content is only accessed by the instructor and LDT staff, not students.

Alphabetized Folders

 Course Planning and Review Folder and Subfolders A - Course Planning and Review  – Contains Course Design Map, Meeting Notes, and Review & Reflection.
 Recorded Presentation Files - Development only Folders and Subfolders B - Recorded Presentation Project Files - Development only  – Contains original and edited (final) Camtasia project files.  

Original project files are uploaded by the instructor to the B1 - Upload (Original) Project Files folder.

An LDT staff member edits the instructor's project file and uploads the final version to the B2 - Edited (Final) Project Files folder with [Editor's Initials] + edits as the file name (e.g., VideoTitle_ARedits.cmproj).
 Quizzes - Development only Folder C - Quizzes - Development only  – Any documents containing quiz questions or solutions should be uploaded here. The quiz will then be created manually in Canvas by LDT staff.
 Archived Course Material (by semester) Folder D - Archived Course Material (by semester)  – Once a course is complete, all materials will be transferred to this folder and identified by semester. Once the course has been copied to this folder, all other folders in the structure should be empty and ready for a new course offering. 

EPD Box Credit Distance Degrees DD MEES MEPP MEM METJ 
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Owned by:
Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Engineering Professional Development - Department Resources, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs