InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - Textbooks
Required textbook information for courses is available to students in advance of each course. Students have three options for accessing this information before the start of each semester.
Option 1: My UW-Madison Course Search & Enroll - If the instructor has posted the textbook information for a course, then students will see the textbook information in the Student Center when registering for courses in the MyUW portal. If there is textbook information, then a "Textbooks" link will be visible in the section information. If the course does not use a textbook that needs to be purchased, this will often be indicated in the Class notes section.

Option 2: My UW-Madison Textbooks Module.
Be sure to choose "Engr Professional Development" to filter the list of departments.
Option 3: If you cannot determine whether there is a required textbook for a course, please contact EPD Staff through the EPD Community Site, or contact your instructor directly.
Note: When purchasing course textbooks, students are encouraged to compare various online retailers, such as or Google for the best prices.