Activity 3: Enteric Emissions from Livestock
The tables below presents the 2012 enteric emissions data from the US. Table 6.3 presents the teragrams of CO2 eq. in the form of methane (CH4) from various livestock species and Table 6.4 presents the actual amounts of CH4 emitted by the same livestock species. Let's analyze and discuss some of the data.
- Please explain the ranking of the species listed in the Table.
- Based on the dairy cattle population and the beef cattle population presented in Table A-178 and the emissions data presented in Tables 5.3 or 5.4., which of the two livestock species produce more methane on a daily basis (gr CH4 per animal per day) and why?
Source: "Chapter 6: Agriculture" of the latest EPA report (downloadable from National GHG Emission Data page of EPA)
Source: Annex 3 Part B of the latest EPA report (Methodological Descriptions for Additional Source or Sink Categories)