WiscIT Widget - Charts
Charts can be used to show both real time and recent past information, depending on the series used. Cherwell can make bar, column, line, pie, pipeline, and scatter charts.

Chart: This area of the window has the general information on the widget.

- Default Title: This is the title of the widget that would appear over the widget when it is used in a dashboard. It does not need to match the Name field at the top of the window.
- Refresh Every [x] [time period]: Sets the widget to automatically refresh on a specific interval.
- Exclude from Filter: If Filter widgets are used in the dashboard, this option can keep a chart from being filtered by the Filter widget criteria.
- Chart Example: This is an example of what the chart will look like with all the chart series given the currently selected criteria, which can be changed in the Options areas on the bottom half of the window.
Options: This is where the data and display options are selected.
- Series: This is the area where the actual data to be displayed is determined and found.
- Chart Series: This window is where the various series are kept. Multiple series can be used in the same Chart widget, including mixing of chart types such as line and bar graph. When a series is created or edited, the WiscIT - Individual Chart Series Window with more options is opened.
New Series: A new series can be made by clicking on the Cherwell New Item button. If a certain type of chart series is already selected, an additional series may not be possible (this happens with pipeline and pie charts).
Edit Series: The currently selected series can be edited by clicking on the Edit button. A window will open that series' window with the options that have already been selected.
Delete Series: Delete the currently selected series by clicking this button. Once a series is deleted, it cannot be recovered unless the widget is not saved (clicked "Cancel" instead of OK on the main Widget window) and reopened.
- X-Axis: This area allows the creator to choose basic parts of the widget's X-axis.

- X-Value Type: A drop-down box to choose the value type used.
- Note: This choice limits the choices of a x-axis or slice field when editing a series.
- X-Value Units: A dynamic drop-down box to choose the units used. Changes depending on the chosen value type.
- Label: Use this field to further name the x-axis title. The check boxes below this field allow control over how the x-axis labels are shown.
- Axis Represents...: Sets how the data is represented on the axis, if values should be shown individually or grouped together as a sequence.
- Y-Axis: This are allows the creator to choose basic parts of the widget's Y-axis.

- Primary Y Axis: This allows changes of the left-hand Y-axis.
- Label: Use this field to name the primary y-axis title.
- Scaling: The check box allows the chart to use automatic scaling. Alternatively, a minimum and maximum amount scale can be used.
- Secondary Y Axis: This allows changes of the right-hand Y-axis (if applicable). The options are the same as the options for the primary Y Axis.
- Legend: This gives a guide to show users how the chart should be interpreted.

- Show Legend: Toggles the legend on and off.
- Docking: Chooses the location of the legend relative to the chart. The options are top, left, right, and bottom. Top and Bottom docking making the overall chart shorter, while left and right docking make the overall chart narrower.
- Alignment: Chooses the horizontal alignment of the legend relative to the chart. The options are near, center, and far. Depending on the docking selection, the alignment option will change.
- Display: This menu has the display options for the chart.

- Show the following: Toggles the options to be shown or hidden from users of the widget.
- Color palette: Allows the colors of the chart to be changed to a specific theme.
- Allow Animation: This toggles animation of the chart on and off. Animation generally only happens when a dashboard using the widget is opened.
- Advanced Options
- Override Dashboard Theme Colors: If the colors of the widget need to stay how they are regardless of the color theme chosen for a dashboard, check this box. Legacy Themes are from previous versions of Cherwell, Specific Themes are the other color themes that are available. A different pre-made theme can be found from the Theme Manager by clicking on the button with an ellipsis to the right of the dropdown box (new themes can also be created from here).
- Override Dashboard Style: Check this box to override the dashboard theme style, then select a specific style to be used whenever this widget is in use.