Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-08-15

Approved 1-23-15
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 8, 2015
Memorial Union

Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Bruno Browning; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Vice-Chair; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of December 18, 2014, were approved with changes.

Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf reported that a memo was sent out this morning asking instructional academic staff to provide their highest academic degrees to their departments.  ASEC mentioned that Jocelyn Milner had alerted ASEC to this survey.

On the instructional academic staff titles, Provost Mangelsdorf appreciated the historical documents on the matter and had read through them.  ASEC asked how to move forward with this issue, and the Provost suggested that ASEC or some other committee do some research on what our peers are doing now.  ASEC will put together a working group to pull together information on a report.  

ASEC asked a question about HIPAA training for all Pharmacy staff.  The Provost answered that this was likely done on the recommendation on legal counsel.  It is likely that everyone on campus may be trained at some point.

ASEC also expressed concern regarding the Preschool Lab consolidation.  There were concerns over the reduction in number of child care resources available. The Provost explained that the Mineral Point center serves less than 50 children, and the Mineral Point site was not being used as a research center.  She was told all children would be accommodated in the Linden center.  

ASEC asked the Provost to discuss her plans for performance management of direct reports.  She indicated she hadn’t been fully briefed on the new policy, but plans to follow the policy.  

General Reports
  • Chair Heather McFadden presented a draft document regarding the definition of academic staff.  The University Committee discussed reviewing Chapter 6 committees by a faculty committee.  Heather M. wrote an email asking that the review committee include members of the academic staff.  There was further discussion regarding the working group on instructional academic staff titles.  Robert agreed to write a draft charge.  The Ad Hoc Committee on Bullying has met for the last time.  There will be a new joint committee formed to work on implementing the policies passed by the Senate and Assembly.
  • Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that she and Jake Smith have gathered together policies passed by the Assembly that are not contained within ASPP.  These can now be found at  She also reminded ASEC about next week’s meeting.
  • Revision of December 16, 2014, ASEC Minutes
There was a request to add additional information to the ASEC minutes.  There was a motion to add the following sentences “Noel Radomski also asked why we haven't received an update from ASEC about the repeated requests to recruit academic staff to serve on the Budget Planning and Analysis Joint Subcommittee. The requests go back to June 15, 2014.” to the minutes.  Seconded.  Discussion about whether there can be a dissent or addendum to minutes.

There was an amendment to the motion to not accept the amendments to the minutes.  Seconded.  Amendment failed.

Vote on original unamended motion.  Motion failed.

There was a motion that ASEC has read and discussed the proposed modifications to the December 16, 2014 ASEC minutes, but accepts the minutes as originally written.  Seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • February Assembly Agenda
ASEC looked at a draft agenda for a February meeting.  There was discussion about surveying Assembly Representatives on what is working and what is not working for them.  This could include questions on districting.  Robert will contact Gene Masters about working with the DRC on the survey.
  • Athletic Board Follow Up
ASEC generated some questions to send to the academic staff Athletic Board representatives.  These included: How are academic staff currently represented in the process for selecting coaches?; How will the process be changed going forward in the process for selecting coaches?; How will all shared governance groups be represented in the process for selecting coaches going forward?; How is the athletic director sharing the short list of candidates with the hiring subcommittee when there is a coaching vacancy?; Do you have everything you need as an academic staff member to be on the Athletic Board?
  • CASI Letter
ASEC suggested the names of deans who could provide comments on how they work with CASIs.  Heather M. will follow up with these.
  • University Academic Planning Council (UAPC) appointment
Bruno is currently serving on the UAPC, and Sarah Kuba was going to take over this appointment this spring.  She is unable to do so due to her new position.  There was a motion to appoint Bruno Browning to the UAPC and the Budget Subcommittee of the UAPC.  Seconded.  Motion approved.
  • Next ASEC Meeting, January 15, 2015
    • Guests: Mark Covaleski, Gretchen Viney, and Jackie Hank
Meeting adjourned at 3:56 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff